Uh-Oh: Did Trump Fake a Doctor' Note Last Week? [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

The White House releases a doctor's note written by "Ronnie Jackson" following a physical examination of Donald Trump, but the White House doctor spells his first name "Ronny" fueling speculation that the note was faked and forged...thoughts?

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You are never going to get the truth out of this White House.

They originally had a note from Ronny, but the dog that Trump doesn't have ate that note.

Hey David! I've been watching you on Youtube for probably 1.5-2 years now and just realized you're on SteemIt. How exciting! I love to see content creators coming to join the Steem community.

awesome, thank you!

The doctor talked to the press and said Trump has "incredibly good genes." So either this is further proof that God doesn't exists or that guy's been co-opted somehow.

See here for example: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/369216-white-house-doctor-credits-good-genes-for-trumps-excellent-health

trying trump everything is possible

Honestly, if this were any other president I'd believe it was just a typo and wouldn't give it any more thought. But that statement definitely sounds like something Trump would say.

It can happen. No one is innocent. hahaha The famous presido. lolx. He can do and undo.


Well, let's wait and see the outcome.

Of course, he did. Of. Course.

It's incredible how Trump makes outrageous things look normal.

I admire your show very much. I do not always agree with your opinions, but I must say that your opinions are always well thought out and sensible. Keep up the great work. I subscribe to your podcast ever since the Scott Adams interview. That interview was very compelling.

Would be interesting to hear what the pro Trump guy who called in recently would have to say about this issue... :)

This is too much advertising/product placement for me.