Is Steemit shocked that I found common ground with a Breitbart conservative? [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

I guess all is possible in the era of Trump? While certainly we would not agree on policy on probably ANY issue, we do both agree that Trump is not a this the sort of respectful bipartisan discussion we can expect to continue having on Steemit & dTube?

▶️ DTube

I imagine that if the Devil himself were walking the Earth and he was in disagreement with President Trump, you and he would gleefully find common ground.

i'm agree

Who do you think Steemit is? Why should it be shocked or surprised? CAN Stemmit be surprised?

I was shocked how unaccustomed I felt watching two adults actually act like adults and respect each other despite different opinions, that's for sure. It's insane how much more balanced, informative and mature a mere youtuber (no insult here) sounds in comparison to the mainstream media which is backed by millions of dollars and still the go to for many people. This isn't to say everyone needs to keep their cool all the time, but they get the most polarized people fighting with each other for ratings and it's ridiculous. It's not like they get heated sometimes, they're constantly heated.

Since you've come to steemit, I've had an opportunity to see more of your work and develop respect for what you do. I'm not so sure I want my daily dose of politics now, but I'll be checking in everyone once in a while. :-D

Yeah it can be jarring for sure haha

While I agree that Trump only cares about broader perceptions over real policy nuts & bolts, that’s essentially what makes me disagree with the comparisons to traditional ideological conservatives like Cruz. Seems like a distinction without a real difference. Trump’s policy prescriptions have been in lockstep with conservatives like Cruz (who votes with Trump 93% of the time). And I’d argue that Trump has moved more in Cruz’s direction than the inverse — mostly because it’s the path of least resistance for Trump.

Yeah, I agree. I think the only thing that would be different if Cruz was president is the lack of twitter drama.

His Twitter would be boring as boring as him

I'm not anti- or pro-trump. I am paying attention to the things he has done, however. For example, signing "Executive Order: Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees" limits the ability of former Executive level government employees from lobby in the same field they were serving in for 5 years.

Anyone who serves on executive level must agree; "I will not, within 5 years after the termination of my employment as an appointee in any executive agency in which I am appointed to serve, engage in lobbying activities with respect to that agency."

This should stop the revolving door in Washington, D.C. I guess we'll have to wait 5 years(After Trump's term) and see.

Trump is not a conservative for sure. He is an opportunist. He'll wear whatever clothes he needs to to get what he wants.

that's mostly a red herring, it doesn't say anything about lobbying by former members of congress of the legislative branch, which is actually where most of the lobbying takes place.

To be honest, I think Trump's entire presidency is a Red Herring.

I may not be directly addressing whether Trump is a conservative or not, yet, I submitted it so as to show his "Non-conservatism," because we can see congressional business operating as usual, as designed. The executive order submitted, in my opinion, is in direct contravention of the conservative game plan though(occupy all sides of debate).

Trump, although speaking as guardian of the people, can be easily seen for his worth, a joker in a sheep costume wearing wolves clothing. A "Dude playing a Dude disguised as another Dude."

One thing is for sure...the most discussed man now a matter in positive or negative way...I think he enjoys being center of people's attention....a real theater worker!

I think the office of the president attracts people of this personality type. Trump didn't invent this game in 2016.

i agree with you... good post

These are the kinds of conversations that you and everyone else should have been striving for in the first place. There is a striking lack of people willing to venture outside of the ideological comfort zones and this will be damning in the long run. If you aren't consistently throwing your most deeply held beliefs up against those who disagree with you how can you possibly know they're correct?

Agreed, we seem to be entering an age where political discourse is forbidden not encouraged, where you could end up with a hit squad of ideologues after you if you simply have a coffee with the wrong person..

i agree with you , nice post

actually im not agree with that part you said trump is not conservative.
its not true, the truth is trump is so conservative, not in speaking but in acts.
( but not always :) )
anyway he needs more votes for next election.

I think the hysteria over trump is way over hyped. I've been watching the situation in America play out from the UK and I have to say it's amusing.
Sure the guy ruffles a lot of feathers but he has actually brought about some good change but no one reports on it. It's all very strange..

Nice video mate. You are 100% right

totally agree with you... Trump is definitely not a conservative. Thanks for the upload

im new here can any one vote my postes :'(

Nothing to say more, You are right...

I agree, ofcourse Trump is not a conservative...

I agree he is a businessman and was hired to do a job by the people, they told him what they wanted and he will do just that. Never seen it in my years anyway.

Your post keeps me learning

Truly, Trump is not conservation.

You both are right

Thanks for the video David. If he had his way and was able to win, he may have gone independent like Ron Paul, going libertarian, before being forced to go Republican, in order to gain some traction.

Someone till me what is the issue here? I didn't understand

I second to your post sir. Weldone sir.

good post, weldone

fighting for what seems to be true is for society

Roses are red violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you

Very relevant post...nothing more to say

hmm, interesting! :)

Everyone can talk . But not everyone !!!!!

Great article! Check my blog to read my new post about cryptocurrencies!

I totally agree with you

totally agree with you....yes you are right

makes me throbbing :P

I am old school in that you are responsible for your own life your own destiny. I do take offense to someone saying to me you do not know how to do that, here pay me and I will do it for you.

The newer generations have to be careful about hero's, ones they look up at to lead the way. Never thinking about why they want to do what they are doing, only following their hero without another thought about it.

After all they are a hero right? They will lead us in a way that will benefit us and our children right?

The 2 parties have had fun promising the people what they wanted to hear for years, then getting into office and doing just what they wanted to do while blaming the other party as to why they could not do what they promised the people.

Trump is different that is for sure, why is he doing this he is a billionaire all his children are worth millions? For the children the new generations that is why. He is doing what the people hired him to do, I could care less if hes a democrat or a republican or if he is a drunk or swears like a drunken sailor as long as he does his job and i have not seen the last 6 presidents do theirs. I have to say he is doing a great job that is all i care about that is why we hired him.

Trumps not anything, he flip flops with the wind and with want his base will support
Breitfart is right wing propaganda. i think the common ground you have found is too thin to class as bipartisan


This is great content

what was supposed to be the shocking part?

Personally I don't believe so. I'm not and I haven't even read the post yet!

LIke !: )

In 2005, copied and pasted close to all of their articles and ppl turned a blind eye because it was a Trumpish " I dont give a shit, Praise God" site. sigh

I am a conservative!! FOLLOW ME friends

Good post, request you to follow me and upvote please. I am also following and upvoting you.
Thank you

you think someone wil follow you this way, this is not gonna happen just be an active user and people will foolow you if they like what you write not by asking, this shitty comment just bring downvotes nomore