This farce of the missing FBI text messages between Srzok and Page is now reaching epic proportions!!! Zerohedge today reports on the last fuel/lies to be tossed onto the fire that seems pitched to burn down the FBI:
*Over the weekend, when it was revealed that i) over 50,000 text messages had been exchanged between anti-Trump agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and ii) an unknown number of the text messages between the two agents were lost, the agency shifted blame to the largest South Korean company, when it informed the DOJ that "many FBI-provided Samsung 5 mobile devices did not capture or store text messages due to misconfiguration issues related to rollouts, provisioning, and software upgrades that conflicted with the FBI’s collection capabilities.”
In other words, according to the FBI, it was Samsung's fault that thousands of text message between employees of the world's premier law enforcement organization during an especially sensitive period, went missing....
.... it's not just Strzok and Page whose text messages from the most critical period of Trump's administration and the Russian probe were lost: the same happened to another 3,498 FBI employees.....!*
BUT.... as I reported earlier this week on Transpicuous News, we already KNOW that the Dept of Justice ALREADY HAS THE TEXTS!! This was clearly outline in a letter dated Dec 13, 2017, signed by Michael E. Horowitz- Inspector General stating that they (DoJ) received the copies of these texts on:
"Following our review of those text messages, the OIG expanded
our request to the FBI to include all text messages between Strzok and Page from
November 30, 2016, through the date of the document request, which was July
28, 2017. The OIG received these additional messages on August 10, 2017 ."
Lies Lies Lies... yeah.
Here... I'm handing out popcorn if anyone wants to sit and watch the FBI burn itself to the ground....
I saw a recommendation form @aggroed. He spoke highly of you. So naturally, I am going to follow you. I wish you a happy time on Steemit.
thank you.
The FBI has experience with fire.
the people inside were afraid to exit the building.
they thought the FBI would shoot them.
That day changed my life forever!
and they probably would have.
I think they did.
some said there were corpses laying in the grass in front of the burning building.
They must have tripped and hit their heads I guess.
What an aweful experience.
They cut their feet on blades of grass while fleeing the scene of freedom.
many of them were shot even the survivors had to recover from gunshot wounds
that's what I thought.
um...wunder who the president was then?
Living not far from where this was taking place, I was in a constant state of disbelief. It was like watching reality TV. It was a circus. Those people were portrayed as non-human. The playing out of the whole thing was surreal.
I don't normally keep malice in my heart, but there's a special place that I keep tucked away for Janet Reno and everyone else who was instrumental in this butchery.
what exactly was it that the Branch Davidians were accused of?
why where they killed.
It was no accident...they were deliberately killed.
Ruby Ridge also comes to mind.
Remember the agent Lon Tomohisa Horiuchi who shot Vicky Weaver was given an award afterward and never convicted of his crimes.
It was just another in a long line of examples that certain elements within the government thought needed to be made. The Davidians had a lot of guns, so a bunch of kids had to be murdered. Randy Weaver had a shotgun that he altered, so his kids and wife had to die.
We should always remember that a mother holding her baby in her arms can look enough like a threat to have a sniper, who couldn't possibly be in danger, put a bullet in her from a nice safe distance.
And I'm firmly on the left end of the political spectrum, not a "Right-Wing Gun Nut." Truth is truth, to hell with idealogy.
That's not what happened. Agents of the USG tried to get Weaver to inform on his white supremacist neighbors and he refused. They tried to sell him a sawed off shotgun through undercover agents, and when he handled it, they had his prints on it, and charged him.
This all came out in the lawsuit that he won.
He never broke the law.
The government did.
Thanks for setting me straight. It's pretty amazing that the actual truth only makes everything else only slightly more disgusting.
Oh they were certainly deliberately set up and killed- to keep them silent. Waco is a HUGE rabbit hole.
It's talk like that which makes you look like your trying to shoot a cop.
Get 'er!!!
Wasn't Lon Horiuchi at Waco, as well as Ruby Ridge?
That earns him a double hell, in my book.
Are you trying to find trouble?
Because that's how you find trouble.
Yeah. I find it alla time.
Why would anyone be afraid the FBI would shoot at them?
Just ask Lavoy Finicum.
The FBI said, "The just didn't love their children enough"
I will never forget or forgive them for that.
Have you ever seen someone killed from cyanide poisoning? It warps and racks the body as all the muscles contract, often pulling the spine apart.
I haven't forgotten what the FBI did either.
and no one was held accountable for it.
I suspect it was some of the same gang that's in the news now.
Hmm, cyanide gas... they must've been really committed to the cause! No one puts their kids through that unless they're really having fun with all that evil!!
I am sorry, I thought all in here knew the story.
The FBI pumped gallons of tear gas into the building.
This substance, when dried was highly flammable and when burned produced cyanide gas.
The FBI then set it all on fire.
The picture is of one of the children that was hiding in a deep bunker.
Get outa here with your facts and your truth!!
Yeah, no, anyone who has any familiarity with these chemicals knows that these people, these kids, were murdered.
Even though I'm not in USA I'll take some popcorn. Makes for good entertainment.
Enjoy your popcorn!
And maybe take a moment away from that popcorn to consider the gruesome deaths of the children from my community. Our appetites were extinguished by the smell of dead kids. Kinda smelled like a mix of shit and gasoline. Or, "petrol", whatever you damn foreigners call it, lol.
Those text messages were probably not important.
Just like the Federal End-Table of Intimidation is no longer important.
The work of thousands of mobile phones of employees of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) has undergone a technical fault. About it reports Fox News. This problem is not allowed to save text messages for five months exchanged the FBI Peter Strzok and Lisa Paige, in the archiving system the Bureau.
Earlier, their correspondence was of interest to the public. For example, Mr. Streak very candidly spoke about the leading candidates for the 2016 elections — Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald trump. Mrs. Paige wrote Peter Straka: "Just saw your car first sticker for Bernie Sanders. I immediately wanted to lock the car." This agent Strzok said: "He is the same idiot like trump. It would be good to each other, they destroyed."
According to Fox News, the failure affected the operation of the phones are almost 10% of the 35 thousand employees of the FBI. And the loss data covers the period between the middle of December 2016 and may 2017.
I do not follow your response.
The FBI is supposedly the highest "law force" in The US. However, 90% of their actions (this was back in the 70s) do not include catching criminals. They even took law enforcement out of their mission statement.
They are now irrelevant, meaningless.
They are now standing in the way of justice.
They should politely go away.
How many people - so many opinions. Good luck!
Well said my friend!!
What I'm waiting to see is if any of these criminals actually get prosecuted.
and THAT my friend is the biggest question of all!
Highly rEsteemed!
This really is the year of Revelations.
Been seeing this coming for too long.
Luckily, I still have popcorn.
Shocked! I'm shocked the FBI could lose evidence of their own corruption, treason, and other hangable offenses!
But, yeah, they're full of shit.
its like a movie
As a non-American, it's really like watching a movie. But the question is, stuff like this are only being revealed now. Them conspiracy theories for all the other happenings involving the FBI might all need to be taken a closer look at.
Bless America with whatever wisdom they need.
Well, humans are involved. What else we could expect. I think nobody should be surprised... but when there are people who are afraid being shot and doesn't quit a burning building... it's a bit too much, I admit.
Thank god your president doesn't lie!
The Kenyan certainly did.