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RE: You can be convicted of manslaughter via text: Michelle Carter found guilty in "manslaughter by text" case

in #news8 years ago (edited)

It's not clear at all if what she did was illegal but the fact is she was convicted and will be sentenced. Honestly, people her age have said worse stuff to people. People have told others to go kill themselves and it hasn't been a crime until this case. This case sets a precedent in that a text message can get you 20 years in prison.

She should appeal it to the Supreme Court, as she has a good chance of winning on appeal I think, but her life is destroyed either way.

The court also went on to say which addresses what the first speaker was saying:
It is important to articulate what this case is not about. It is not about a person seeking to ameliorate the anguish of someone coping with a terminal illness and questioning the value of life. Nor is it about a person offering support, comfort, and even assistance to a mature adult who, confronted with such circumstances, has decided to end his or her life. These situations are easily distinguishable from the present case, in which the grand jury heard evidence suggesting a systematic campaign of coercion on which the virtually present defendant embarked -- captured and preserved through her text messages -- that targeted the equivocating young victim's insecurities and acted to subvert his willpower in favor of her own.

Is this the opinion of the prosecutor? I'm interested in knowing what the jury thought. I am not on the jury so I don't have all the evidence to form a strong opinion but on the surface it looks like they convicted her for her text messages. If she had some coercive influence over him then I would understand the charge but it's not clear she has that from what I've seen. Do you know more about this case and if she had anything she was using to coerce him into suicide or did he intend to commit suicide and she just pushed him to follow through with his own idea?

It's not a simple open and shut case.

As it education, it appears that Boston University may provide it.

Was she educated at Boston University? Did she take a class or two in psychology? It's not true that someone is born knowing how to deal with suicidal threats. People have to go through training on what to do if someone suggests or threatens suicide. I'll have to look deeper into this case to see exactly what happened but I can see certain scenarios where a typical teenager could handle it wrong and be charged.