Making sense of the Russian scandal. Stoking the fires of a world war, NATO nations vs BRIC nations

in #news7 years ago

So, as one who sometimes ignores the machinations of the political world, I was not aware of the former Russian spy and his daughter being poisoned in England by some allegedly Russian nerve toxin until a few days after the fact. I saw mentions of the accusations but not any details pertaining to the incident in youtube video titles but didn't follow it up. That is until a couple of days ago when I finally watched a video on RT News on youtube.

My first response upon hearing the base allegation was that it is a set-up. That it is part of the demonization of Russia which the west has been engaging in. This is a typical pre-war behaviour to win the moral support of the populace as per the guidelines of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. We have seen this before prior to just about every illegal invasion by the US and its allies the UK and others. Must I remind you of the alleged weapons of mass destruction which prefaced the invasion of Iraq and the ouster and execution of Saddam Hussein? The lies regarding Assad allegedly poisoning his own people. The list is extensive of the lies and propaganda used by the west to justify its wrongdoings.

Anyone who thinks Putin is stupid is likely stupid themselves. And essentially, this is what the propaganda is trying to tell you and any critical thinking person should be able to see through this, but with mass media inundating the masses with their warmongering rhetoric, it has the potential of influencing them. Below I tell you why I believe the Russians didn't do this, and that this is tantamount to a false flag.

1~If Putin wanted this former Russian spy executed, it would likely be done in a manner to suggest either an unfortunate accident or seem like a random act of violence. He would not have had him poisoned with a nerve agent that would be easily traced back to the Russians. A nerve agent whose ingredients are part of the public domain and could be replicated by anyone else with the equipment.

2~The present over the top hyperbolic language being used in the House of Parliament in England is indicative of warmongering and bypasses all tenets of the justice system such as innocent until proven guilty as they institute sanctions against Russia.

3~The US which has been relatively quiet as they state support for their allies the British have been war-hawking against Russia for some time. A proxy war via Syria, Russia's ally has been underway for some time. recently the US allegedly killed some Russian private ops(mercenaries) in Syria, of which Putin has said that if it happens again he will order strikes against the US forces in Syria. Also, the US has had sanctions against Russia for similar contrived reasons that have little to no basis in fact.

Historically, the Russians have never had expansionist intentions even though US media throughout the cold war portrayed it as otherwise. While the US has and does invade country after country for access to its resources exclaiming they are spreading democracy even though many of the invasions were to oust democratically elected socialists who intended to improve the lot of its citizens by repatriating their resources from foreign interests who attained them through violence. And of course, the irony in the US claiming to spread democracy to other countries while it is internationally recognized that the US democracy is a farce and one of the least democratic election processes in the world.

This is another instance of tyrannical governments pushing its citizenry into a major war that has the potential of being a world war involving China and other Bric nations such as India and Brazil. Russia and China are quite interconnected and share borders and China would not hesitate to support the Russians if this spirals out of control and into war.

Recently Russia paraded some of their new weapons and did so not as a threat to anyone but as a warning of what will happen if anyone attacks them. This is in response to continued verbal attacks by the US and the continued stoking of the war-fires.
