Walmart in panic mode as Amazon buys Whole Foods and steals suppliers.

in #news7 years ago


Only days after Whole Foods sold to Amazon for 13.7 billion dollars Walmart is left scrambling. Now with Amazon encroaching on Walmart's

That's a whopping 465 new retail locations. It seems that we'll be seeing a lot more of Amazon in the near future as they secure themselves to be the largest retailer in the world.

Now, Walmart is telling some partners and suppliers that their software services should not run on Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure, according to the Wall Street Journal.


“People jump through hoops to do business with Walmart all the time,” Gartner analyst Robert Hetu told the Journal. “That should absolutely accelerate the competition from Azure.”

“They influence their vendors, which has influence on us,” Snowflake Computing CEO Bob Muglia told the Journal.

Walmart partner wanted to use his company's data warehouse service, but was told it had to run on Microsoft Azure cloud instead of AWS.

"When Snowflake first started selling about two years ago, most buyers were companies that had already made the decision to go to the cloud and had a lot of data to manage. They were mostly in media, advertising, and online gaming. In those cases we competed a lot with Redshift," Muglia said

Snowflake claims some big-name customers such as Nielsen , Adobe Systems, and Sony.

Amazon spokesman said:

“Yes, we've heard that Walmart continues to try to bully their suppliers into not using AWS because they have an incorrect view that AWS is somehow supporting Amazon's Retail business."

Walmart attempted to run toe to toe with Amazon Prime participations by presenting ShippingPass, which reflected Prime's two-day shipping estimated at $49. This arrangement neglected to dispatch for absence of administrations. Despite the fact that Amazon Prime is more costly, it was a better deal for buyers, since it offered more services. These services included music steaming and its photo cloud. As they try to save the sinking ship called ShippingPass, Walmart declared recently its two-day shipping administration without an enrollment.

In the mean time, Amazon reported for the current month it's putting forth Prime service at a marked down cost for individuals on government help programs.The online retailer’s latest move is an effort to reach low-income families, which is a jab at Walmart.


Amazon have market disruption coursing through their veins.

Whatever they do they're guaranteed to shake up the market.


There's a reason why they're called Amazon. They want to be as diverse as the species that inhabit the rainforest!

I'm just interested to see what happens to Whole Foods once Amazon takes over.

They will eventually turn into Amazon Go stores. With Amazon Go you walk in the store grab your things and walk out. It automagically charges your Amazon account with whatever you left with.