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RE: FORCED VACCINATIONS? The MOST Important Lesson For Humanity Now is to RESPECT & Understand FREE WILL.

in #news7 years ago

Classic mis information. No one is forced in Australia to have vaccinations. The article says "essentially forced" so be careful of this misleading post. I agree that people should be free to make the choice, but it needs to be an informed choice. Not one manipulated by mis information that is dangerous and irresponsible. Seek your doctor's advice in immunization, not some doctor google. If your not happy with your doctor's advice, seek a second opinion. But please do not leave your children vulnerable to your own denial.


Did you read the linked proposed bill?

It is clear that the aim is to make life very difficult for parents if they do not bow down and conform to vaccinations.

There are a long list of highly qualified doctors who ferociously advocate for the ending of the use of vaccination. Ending denials means ending the judgements that have us convinced we are right without having examined all the information.

like i said, no one is forced, nothing in the bill says you cant choose not to vaccinate. Access to public child care will be an issue for you, but that is fair, considering the purpose of vaccination. Anyone who does not see that is being selfish. and as for the long list of highly qualified doctors who are advocating for the end of vaccintation.. where is it... can you reference it?

As soon as a precedent is set to control the national resources available to people (which you have paid for through your own tax!) - then that will always be leverage to continue that in future. Besides which, it IS a form of force to determine which services individuals will use and impose punishment for non conformity.

The wording of the proposal specifically states that non vaccination is a form of neglect - which is itself grounds to have the child taken away - by FORCE.

The purpose of non vaccination is to allow the immune system of the child to develop and adapt naturally, which requires that their full health be supported to do so - so, given that non-vaccination shares the same alleged purpose as vaccination does - your point is moot.

Have you ever looked into vaccine shedding? The proven mechanism by which the vaccinated can begin epidemics? Who is being selfish?

I do not have a simple page with a list of Doctors on it, I have a variety of video testimonies from a variety of time periods and specialities of doctors - here's a selection:

I haven't had time to look at all the videos,, but it doesn't take long to find at least a few articles exposing the subjective nature of the thinking of at least one of the doctors here. see this link for one..

In the"long list" of doctors opposing vaccinations, I don't see any dedicated peer reviewed immunologists or even a pediatrician. There is a chiropractor, and there is a natropath but anywho, like I said, your free to make your choice. Science is fallible, and it is open to debate. Keep your mind open, but be evidence based, I think you will find a large weight of evidence on the benefit of evidence of vaccines, but little against it, but tons of subjective feeling around anti vaccination. It is nice to think we would be better off with vaccines, but tell that to the generations that suffered the diseases. I am sorry that I had to almost choked when I heard the piece about there being no proof that vaccines prevented small pox. That is interesting, considering that disease has been eradicated. Perhaps it was fairy dust or something that eradicated it.

You are commenting here without having looked at the evidence, while telling me not to ignore the evidence. Dr. Bergman, for example, typically provides a long list of peer reviewed papers at the end of all of his videos.
As stated, the selection of videos here is just that, a selection. If you intend to ignore the material and then try to rebutt it anyway, what purpose would a long list have?

The classic refrain of the ignorant is 'I haven't had the time to do the research'.

Here, we see it again.

Far from 'fairy dust', anyone with the knowledge and information can see that the decline of rampant disease began long before the mass popularization of vaccines, due to advances in sanitation, hygiene, and nutrition.

Simply look at the decline of other diseases for which there are no vaccines.

Gee.. the time not spent was in context of the videos posted. Not the whole subject. Sorry but you are spreading dangerous mis information.

The post and the videos within it fit into the whole subject. If you cannot parse the information itself, instead of just googling an article supposedly discrediting that with which you do not agree, then you have no hope of understanding the argument in which you are engaged.

You seem to have no reasoned argument, only the repeated refrain of 'dangerous misinformation'.

Booga booga booga do what the priest tells you or scary stuff will happen booga booga.

Ignorance of the facts is not a better option than denial, of which, in this post, I see none.

Please form a functional understanding of this subject before you get someone killed by the misinformation in your own brain.