Well not sure how any international group could be a bigger danger than American government. Lets just say the American order has not been overly concerns about legal obligations or social responsibilities in the last few decades. The more Congress is removed from responsibility; the safer American citizens will ultimately be : )
/ hugz ; )
Not to mention it has been a long time since the Media tried to use the First Amendment to help ordinary Americans . . .
Damn I can truly understand why the insecure, power hungry egomaniacal Republicans would hate to give up control of anything : )
If our internet has to flow through systems not in our country, content may no longer be constitutionally protected by the right to free speech. What we write and talk about may have to be approved by a foreign entity and its laws and regulations..
The US govt protecting the right to free speech on Internet? That's ridiculous.
The US have tried very hard to take down piratebay.se and thepiratebay.se as well ...
The internet is different already all over the world, the major search engines already tailor results fed back to certain internet search inquires. For example; if you do searches in America for certain controversial things the results are " sanitized " by big business simply so they do not end up in conflict with government policy and procedures.
The Government would never call this ' censorship ', now would big business. I myself have seen these different results and you can check yourself. Simply send a particular controversial search phrase word for word to a friend in another country. That same company will deliver different results due to location.
We are here on Steemit to learn things and to have a fun time; so I will choose not to mention some of the things that are very not nice that are simply facts available to citizens of other countries but are far more restricted around the United States.
After all, the Real World can be depressing enough already without thinking about it the majority of the time : )
/ hugz ; )