What Will Be Trump's Reichstag Fire?

in #news8 years ago

by James Corbett
February 25, 2017

Greetings, Mr. President. Thank you for taking a few minutes to see me today. I understand your time is valuable, so let me get to the point: You thought that whole selection charade made you "the leader of the free world," didn't you? Like you were now in charge of the country and you could do what you want, right? Hahaha. Yeah, they all think that at first.

So now that that delusion is out of the way, how's reality treating you? Not so good, huh? Wish you could just govern by executive order, don't you?

Well, what if I told you you could govern that way? Get rid of the courts! Get a rubber stamp from congress! Throw away that constitution! Would you be interested?

Of course you would. That's why I'm here today, Mr. President. Hear me out.

You need to pull a Mukden maneuver. A Tonkin trick. A Swedish stitch-up. A Gleiwitz gambit. A Lavon lark. A Moscow machination.

You know, a false flag.

We've drafted up a few possibilities for you. Here they are:

You've already put Iran "on notice" over their recent ballistic missile test. Brilliant! You understand better than anyone that most of the public is too ignorant to know that these tests are not a violation of UNSC 2231. The important thing is that the public believes the Iranians are somehow violating the nuclear agreement and that it somehow involves missiles or the like. Keep up the good work!

Next, you need to make people believe Iran is somehow attacking the US with these missiles. They're not attacking the US? They're not attacking anyone? No problem! Just take any event, literally anyone attacking anyone else anywhere in the world, and tell the public it was the Iranians attacking the US!

I know most people would balk at the idea of telling such a brazen lie, but that's what I like about you, sir. You're not afraid to lie, and lie bigly. That's what this country needs. And the way you got Sean Spicer to straight up lie to the public's face and tell them that Iran has fired missiles on a US naval vessel was masterful. Who else could think of taking a Houthi rebel attack on a Saudi frigate and turning it into an Iranian attack on the US Navy? It's so unbelievable, only the American public could buy it!

And now you just need the coup de grâce. We recently ran across an old plan from a decade ago. You know, back in President Cheney's administration.

...What's that? President Bush? Hahaha. That's a good one, sir. You're a real card.

Anyway, yes, back when President Cheney suggested dressing up American special forces as Iranians, painting up a US ship as an Iranian PT boat, and attacking a US naval vessel. That one might be a bit too brazen, even for this administration, but it's workable. Or we can just keep pressing with the Houthis=Iran and Saudis=US line. Or we can just pull another Tonkin. You know we already did a test run of that plan with the Mason last fall. The opinion polls we've run show the public bought it hook, line and sinker, so it's definitely an option on the table.

The next option for your false flag spectacular is an obvious one: A cyber false flag. As I'm sure I don't need to tell you, we've been conditioning the public to expect a major cyber attack for some time now. A million compromised credit cards here, a mysterious bank hack there, a rumored cyber attack on a power plant that never took place (but hey, let's blame it on the Russians)...You know how it goes.

Now, Mr. President, among your many excellent choices of warmongers, banksters and establishment hacks for your cabinet, I have to especially congratulate you on the choice of Rudy "Butcher of New York" Giuliani on the position of cybersecurity advisor. It's brilliant on every level. First of all, he has no education, training, experience or displayed interest in technology or cybersecurity, so he won't get bogged down in actual issues. Secondly, he's a legitimate 9/11 suspect! He helped illegally clear the 9/11 crime scene! He admitted to foreknowledge of the towers' collapse! Who better to cover up the next false flag then the man who covered up the last one! It's like poetry, it rhymes.

And our next option flows so beautifully, too. Remember when the judge struck down your immigration order?...No, the first time. And you tweeted:

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!

February 5, 2017— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

Amazing! It's like you've had training in how to set up a false flag event. It writes itself. Get the FBI to find a Syrian refugee, fund, train and shepherd him along, pick his target and then help him attack. Or do the attack ourselves and pin it on him. The best part is that if anything goes wrong we can just swoop in and bust him before the plot goes live and throw him away forever. I think you know that script by now.

In fact, there's no end to the tricks we could pull. The EMP attack is a faithful old standby we've had on the cards for years. Or a bioterror attack. You can always pull one of those out of your hat.

You know how this works. It all just depends on which way we wanna go. Wanna kick off something in Iran? Houthis attack a Saudi frigate and boom. You've got your war. Want to crack down at home? A cyber 9/11 leads to an i-Patriot Act. Want to usher in a new era of biometric border control? Just wind up a refugee patsy. North Korea? EMP. Want a new shadowy terror group to wage a never-ending war against? Bioterror. You can even mix and match. The possibilities are endless, really.

...I'm sorry, what's that? Your opinion? Hahaha. You really are a character, Mr. President, I'll give you that. Do you think you get an opinion on this? Do you think I'm here to solicit your suggestions? Oh, that's rich, sir. No, I'm here to let you know some of the options we're considering. So that, when the time comes, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, even if you're sitting in a classroom full of kids reading a story about a pet goat, you will know to sit quietly and await your further orders.

Do I make myself clear?


America had two options: Hillary Clinton, which you can be 100% sure of is a warmonger, anti-Russia and an ISIS supporter. Trump, which sometimes sounds like a warmongerer, is atleast independent and can change his mind on things. I believe there won't be any war with Iran since Iran is a staunch ally of Russia and Trump doesn't want war with Russia. Eventually he'll change his mind on Iran once he gets enough intelligence and understands Iran is on his side fighting ISIS.

I think you might have missed the point. Hillary vs. Trump is political theatre, same stuff different day, the illusion of choice. Remember choosing Coke or Pepsi will still rot your teeth and ultimately kill you, and clean water is never on the selection for the elections. I'm sure the reference has already been made, but I just re-read Nicielo Macivelli's great work "The Prince". I do marvel at how the play writes have cast this last s-election. A truly masterful division in the ongoing conquest of the once semi-free people of America.

Yes I think the point is that - even if Trump is sincere in wanting to 'make America great' and 'drain the swamp' - he's not really in charge. All presidents are figureheads for the same deep state, whether they like it or not. And if they try to resist, they go the way of JFK. That said, Hillary would have been way way worse because she would have aided the entrenched deep state in fulfilling their evil machinations fully and willingly in every way. It seems Trump may be more amenable to being a tool for rival deep state factions, which I think is a good thing because the elites' internal power struggles invariably weaken their control and give the people more time to wake up.

realDonaldTrump Donald J. Trump tweeted @ 05 Feb 2017 - 20:39 UTC

Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hehehe I kind of wobdered about this myself

Thank you James, definitely an insightful post. It will be interesting to see what comes down the road.

Brilliant. It's like a sequel to your brilliant Anarchapulco speech! Would love to see you perform this somewhere.

ImgurResharing @phibetaiota! Thank You! The Open Source investigation work of @corbettreport is vital to the growing community of citizen intelligence minutemen. Looks like he might have been blowing off some "Steem?" in this post however. : )

I know this is satire but the people involved in this are all in on the game as you have said many times before. The level of culpability is the only issue, and as being Pres is probably a senior post in the cryptocracy I doubt this kinda thing really happens at all. Trump is the Swamp, Hillary is the Swamp. Only draining that's going to happen is to us. Drain us of our freedoms, income, security, and eventually for some, our lives.

The pres is the interim.