The First Annual REAL Fake News Awards

in #news7 years ago

You've seen the GOP's version, but now it's time for the REAL fake news awards. Join James for this special edition of The Corbett Report where he hands out dinos to some of the biggest propoganda poisoners and fake news stinkers of 2017!


Fake Eco-scare of the Year Award goes to National Geographic for "Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land"

The Award for Fakest Fake Interview to Ever Be Faked goes to CNN for "Bana Alabed's full interview on Syrian attack" (April 5, 2017)

Fake UFO Story of the Year Award goes to The New York Times for "Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program"

The Award for Worst Piece of Fake News Propounded by "Independent" Media goes to the thounsands of people on Twitter who retweeted The Neverending Stupid Fake Pentagon GIF!

The Award for Fakest Russian Fake News Tracking Service goes to Hamilton 68.

And the winner of The Fakest Fake News Story of 2017 goes to The Guardian for "How Syria's White Helmets became victims of an online propaganda machine"


It's really sad that the main stream media are nothing more than propaganda outlets and the masses go along with it. I hope 2018 is a year of awakening from this nonsense.

It is sad, but that's what you get when news agencies have to sell ads and keep ratings. I hope sites like dtube will help, because YouTube is censoring by demonatizing. 2018 might be the year of awakening, but who knows where we will be after.

CNN: The Most Busted Name in News

Haha. This is going to be interesting! I’m glad to see they finally are recognizing fake news as it’s own category!

Newq Hates Fake News...

A random thought occurred to me while listening to the polar bear news. I wonder if Coke is in on the polar bear brain washing. The reason I say this is that they made us "love" polar bears by associating them to all the warm wishes and beauty of the Christmas season. After associating polar bears with everything good, any perceived polar bear suffering triggers people emotions. This would explain why people are so easily fooled by this polar bear lie.

BTW...polar bears are not nice and will not give you a coke....

If these are the REAL Fake News Awards, where can we find the FAKE Fake News Awards? ;-)

My favorite was the CNN "interview". I'm surprised that CNN doesn't even bother deleting the YouTube comments. Are the censors on strike? Or maybe they don't even care. The "interviewer" and "interviewee" both get paid for reciting from their prepared scripts, and loyal viewers lap it all up. This is a possible subject for a Mark Dice video.

ha ha ha funny news lol.... (fake award) @corbettreport

Very impressed with the palatial broadcasting studios !! Hey, and I really like the tie !

Haven't reached the end of the report, but surely "PropOrNot" is in there somewhere ? Although, it has been a great resource, helping many find more alt media sites to visit and subscribe to. Somewhat like Facebook's "Fake News" tagging, which backfired so spectacularly.

I find it is very difficult to know what is true or false, media and online sources are all biased, probably a good percentage of news, from any source, any political inclination or government are fake. Everyone should consider this when reading the news from these sources.

When I went to the polar bear post, I got an alert from McAfee that the Russians were hacking me! I'm trying to be funny but my virus ware is spreading FUD. OMG

Want truth news award . I like your interesting activities. Great job sir. Keep sharing

Good job well done @corbettreport

The real news awards would be a nice follow up to this.

wow,nice well post.
i follow your all post..
thanks keep it up..

Good job wkwk

great bro !! nice article and video! We must chill out when 'new news' are booming!!

i followed you always post an interesting one.....
thanks @corbettreport for giving us an oscatale news..
i always follow your news...

The Conscious Resistance and Disobedient Media are not who they say they are. Just spreading the word.

If we're going to talk about fake news, it's on steemit too.

btw reddit/r/conspiracy increased the new account post ban up to 2 months within 24 hours of me making a new account and posting my steemit blog. Pretty, pretty bad timing on my part eh? lol

This is terrific, good work! Glad I found you on steemit.

thank you for @corbettreport.....

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I think the "Rexies" would be a nice name for the awards, haha.

Most wrong proclaimer of "fake news" award goes to... Donald Trump. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I've been fascinated with the UFO story above. Has that been debunked already?

The entire US circus election could get a special mention in itself.

Thank you Corbett! <3

Yes, Syria is a serious topic.

Child abuse, right on James! Your ire is not only justified, it’s necessary! Thanks!

Funny stuff. Most is a little sad but true.

Basically all the drive-by mainstream media are part of the fake news media conglomerate with a progressive liberal agenda (towards more socialism and ultimately communism). They are CNN (Clinton News Network being the worse), ABC, NBC, MSNBC, as well as others like CBS (and CBC), NYT, WaPost, Salon, Independent, Vox, Reuter, Guardian, the Hills, Globe & Mail. There are too many of them that I can no longer keep count. Definitely need a list to track these fake news media outlets to alert people to their fake and disgusting journalism. They claim to be and stand for truth, my ass fake news!

Absolutely love this. Bana Alabed has to be one of the grossest examples of deep-state grooming for war I've ever seen. It's the literal Simpsons argument of "Someone PLEASE think of the (propagandised) children!!!"

Sorry I'm 5 days late to the party, but this would be a great piece for the #nomorefakenews tag!

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