Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Seemingly normal and extraordinarily patient, James Alefantis, gives a perfectly rational explanation to a protester asking questions about the image below. He also takes the camera man on a tour of his restaurant Comet Pizza.

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I can't believe people don't think this warrants an investigation. There is soooo much evidence (most of which circumstantial, admittedly). If there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to hide.

I just wish people wouldn't try to brush this one under the carpet out of fear that their political heroes will be exposed...

"There is soooo much evidence"

There is literally none. There isn't even circumstantial evidence. The more I look at the supposed evidence for pizzagate the more I am convinced it's a massive 4chan hoax worthy of no investigation.

"I just wish people wouldn't try to brush this one under the carpet "

I just wish people would show some actual evidence before making such serious allegations.

What is the best evidence to you? The absolute best. Let's start there.

The Paedesta emails... What do you think about those? You have to admit they're suspect to say the least...

i just for the life of me can't understand why you think it's just worth completely ignoring, even if its 1000-1 that it's true... Like I said - if there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to hide.

I think there is nothing in them to support allegations of running a pedophile ring. What do you think about them?

I think emails are permissible as evidence in court my friend. ;)

though i believe it is called "digital evidence". As for the rest...i think as you watch this stuff and learn about things like when the clintons went to haiti to get a friend out of trouble for attempting to abduct 33 children...or all trips to pedo island with epstein.

There is too much NOT to want to investigate. I mean lets be rational here--if an investigation takes place and we are proven wrong, everyone will be happy. If we are right, and we dont investigate...what happens?

To me it is about that simple. I wouldn't be saying this if there werent so many damn photos with pedo symbolism (oftentimes multiple in the same photo). but after you see enough of it you just say "ok this is either an elaborate and well thought out false flag, or this is real and sick".

At that point there is only one answer imho. Investigation.

"I think emails are permissible as evidence in court my friend. ;)"

The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication. I'm not saying emails aren't a valid form of evidence in general, I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging.

I think if you slow down and weigh each claim one by one you see a pattern of poor evidence gathering or out right fabrication of evidence. The willingness of proponents for pizzagate to accept anything without question as legitimate evidence wreaks of mental illness.

Just look at the photos in this post being twisted. A little girl and her sister played a game and she had her hands taped. That is a completely sweet and innocent moment. My brother and I used to play a game called "escape" when we were kids. We would take turns tying and sometimes even taping each other to a chair as best we could, then see if the other could pull a Houdini and escape.

Then there is the baby with money in it's mouth. Let's not pretend we all haven't seen photos like the one below and laughed.

I find the pizzagaters that take issue with those instagram photos to be more twisted and suspect than James Alefantis.

"The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication."

"I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging."

And what I am asking you is: Why then do the FBI and other law agencies use compile lists of commonly used terms for various criminal industries around the world? The answer is that they put them together to help you decode emails that otherwise seem ridiculous without the cypher.

So why would they put all that time and money into forming a group of experts to compile these lists if they are not considered even somewhat telling? And why would FBI Agents searching through emails in other pedo cases using these lists to help identify the crime being committed and the likelihood of which illicit industry it is taking place in?

I think it becomes really difficult to argue that these emails do not show that something is off.

I will also say (with love and respect btw) that the fact you said all the emails seem to be talking about normal pizza-related activity makes me think you might not have read any of the emails :/

"Then there is the baby with money in it's mouth. Let's not pretend we all haven't seen photos like the one below and laughed."

I know i saw this picture and thought "how odd":

I mean isn't it odd that Laura Silsby was caught red handed trying to traffick 33 children from haiti...and the clintons along with the clinton foundation got her released? Isn't it odd that both bill and hillary have admitted to going to what has been deemed "pedo island" with their friend (a convicted pedo) Epstein over 20 times (bill) and a handful of times (hillary)?

There is a point when we have to say "this deserves a real investigation". I can't honestly see how anyone would not think we should. (not saying you are against further investigation of course).

P.S. I hope you consider what I am saying. There is a point when everything seems to point in one directly too strongly to ignore.

Forget the "pedophile ring" for one second. Please explain to me what a pizza map is and how you enjoy dominoes on cheese.

A napkin with a map to a pizza restaurant drawn on it or perhaps a napkin from a restaurant with a map on it to somewhere else. Both of those are completely believable, mundane and likely answers to that email referencing a pizza related map on a handkerchief.

It amounts to basically asking if they can throw out a note they found or if it is still needed.

Dominoes on cheese referred to playing dominoes while under the effects of cheese. This email actually made me laugh when I read it. It appears to be a tongue in cheek remark about his plan to literally eat cheese and play dominoes that evening.

Are you on the autistic or asperger spectrum by any chance? I'm being serious and mean no offense by that. It's hard to do with text but I think many people misinterpreting the emails may have trouble with inflection and understanding sarcasm.

No, I don't have to say they are suspect. Please share exactly what you think is so nefarious.

It appears you have a dog in this fight. I don't at all. What about the exact resemblance of the Paedestas to the FBI suspect CGI's?

That alone would be enough to warrant investigation if it was anyone but the elite...

The dogs I have in this fight are Steemit, sanity and reason. I'm seeing it turn into a mentally ill alt-right circle jerk. I'm not going to flag since I don't believe in censoring. Instead I am challenging these ideas on their merits. As it stands Pizzagate is an incoherent merit-less allegation.

I think people really have to look at it. I mean Contentjunkie...did you really look at all this stuff? If not I urge you to do so. I think oftentimes people thinking it is a political thing really are not actually taking the time to look at everything.

Yes it is true that if you are searching for evidence of something hard enough you will tend to find it...but this case is not that at all (at least for me).
I try my hardest to "debunk" this, but it seems as hard to "debunk" as to find smoking gun evidence. Luckily for the perps though the politicization of it has given them time to cover their tracks if we do ever find a way to get a real investigation.

I also wonder about the recent murder of a lady going to do on the ground research on the clinton foundation...

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck---its prob a duck. Need evidence? Ok test it.

Where we are at---people say "its not a duck" and dont want you to test it....because it is "fake labeling"

What is there to investigate?

  1. the emails
  2. the striking resemblance to the FBI images
  3. the grotesque artwork he indulges in
  4. his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction.

It at least deserves looking at. If you don't agree with an honest look-see into a potential paedo ring (once again-i have no smoking gun proof) -then you my friend are one sick individual...

  1. The emails aren't evidence of anything. Magic decoder rings from 4chan don't make those emails evidence after you change the words. Yeesh.

  2. Okay we've got a resemblance which on it's own is evidence of nothing.

  3. Artwork? Really? Not evidence and not worthy of investigation.

  4. Okay so where was he? The only account of him being in Portugal that day seems to come from a secret source inside the FBI.

I will agree #2 deserves looking in to since all tips for such a heinous crime should be looked into. Also keep in mind there are millions of white men that could resemble those pictures.

the emails ---check
the striking resemblance to the FBI images ----double check
the grotesque artwork he indulges in ----will be considered too circumstantial and warrantless.
his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction. ----good question, but unsure if the case is closed, can be reopened...etc.

The death of Monica Petersen.
The death of Andrew Breitbart.
Planned Parenthood okaying child sex traffickers for abortions for girls as young as 13.
10,000 missing refugee kids (at least).
How about those?

What reason is there to connect any of those to Podesta and HRC and the wikileaks emails?

Let's try and stick to a coherent story here. I'm pointing out that the current accusations being made based on the wikileaks emails are unfounded and you've replied by making more unfounded accusations without justify the first.

Are you able to show anything in those emails is linked to other things without invoking the 4chan decoder? is a good start...this is the sweet laura silsby who seems to have gotten into trouble trying ot traffick 33 haitian children. The clintons came to her rescue apparently with the help of their "foundation".

@contentjunkie...there is no reason i can think of on what she is giving. Though all of it seems to add up to give us a story, it is something we cannot prove. Which means that if we are TOO emphatic about getting to the "truth" but are unwilling to recognize we could be completely wrong (about a .5% chance but still a chance) ....and at that point we can be attacked for folding to "fake news". Then the powers that be can attack "fake news" and have more reason to censor grassroots media ---citing this case.

We have to be EQUALLY interested in disproving this as we are in proving it if we want to do justice to this case.

I get the feeling you're a political fan boy/girl and you're petrified that your heroes aren't who you thought. It would be unfathomable...

No, he's asking a logical question to which your bashing him and avoiding the question

Like I said above; what about the almost exact resemblance to the CGI images? That alone deserves looking into.

I have no proof, but I think you guys should be ashamed for not wanting to get to the bottom of this via the courts. What if I'm right?

Why do you say all of this as if you are making any sense? There is no such thing as a handkerchief with a pizza restaurant drawn on it or perhaps a napkin (a handkerchief you mean, not a napkin) from a restaurant with a map on it to somewhere else. Do you actually think that if you say nonsense with "authority and confidence" that it makes it suddenly not nonsensical? I would love to watch you attempt to explain this in person, so I could laugh at you attempting to explain something ludicrous with a straight face as if it's casual everyday, like a pizza map. One more question, what are the "effects of cheese", exactly? I'm all ears.

What were the conversations about pizza all about?Stuff like a pizza related
map (wtf)? Is this kind of lingo not a pedo-code?what are they talking about ?
And then you add in the pedo art, and the pictures of children and babys?

And the baby sucking on euro bills.where was the baby's mother?What mother would be cool with that?And how is that funny?
And then you have a couple weak hit pieces, and then a complete and total
blackout of the subject and even the word pizzagate on both the mainstream
and alternative media news.If it's fake why the blackout?

I urge everyone to look into this yourself thoroughly, and ignore anyone claiming it's fake.And anyone explaining this away be warned that you look to me like you might be trying to help cover up a possible pedo-ring.
You may start to look that way to a lot of other people as well.

if said dude has political ties and relationships.. wouldn't that dude take any opportunity he can to clean his name and reputation of that "pizzagate" smear he's involved in by pushing for the blackout. If he's got the power to do it.. then why not. Then the images with his own nieces and nephews in pictures taken out of context.

Let me remind you.. there is some sick shit going on and I'm no denier or rejector of these claims.. but for God sake..

Think Fucking Logically

Is there not a blackout? totally viral, a post every ten minutes on google searches,but
just a few weak hit pieces calling it fake in the mainstream and nothing on alternative sites?
Nothing on Drudge nothing on Breitbart ? Come on.

Again, everyone go look and see for yourselves and try to figure out what all these emails involving
high level political operatives having many back in forth conversations about pizza and hot dogs,
that make no sense other than being a code, are all about. What are the conversations about mrwang?
And i'm not saying this is proof, but this shit needs to be explained, discussed and investigated by
anyone and everyone to make sure no children are being harmed.
Those nonsensical hot dog and pizza conversations combined with the pedo-imagery and childrens
photos I believe constitute circumstantial evidence of something going on.It should be investigated.
And i believe any normal rational person who looked at what i seen would agree.
Which makes me very suspicious of you.Did you not read the conversations? How are they in anyway normal?What's your explanation for the conversations?

Suspicious of me? lol. Do some research on me before you come out with that bullshxx. My reputation is based off providing facts and being upfront and honest.

The video shows how open this dude is willing to share to help clear his name. That child party room is the very room is the room they were remodeling in the "basement"

Like i said.. not denying or rejecting the idea but once again.. common sense and logical thinking

As long as you are not telling people to not look into this for themselves,
I guess you are entitled to your opinion.
It just seems to me to look like you are trying to explain away what looks,
the more I look into it, like pedo all over it and needs a thorough no stone
unturned investigation.How anyone can argue with that I don't understand and would have to consider them a pedo or some sort of mush-mind pedo
apologist .
And you don't seem like a mush-mind.I hope you will call for a real, huge investigation and i'm wrong about you.However I must not communicate anymore because i'm creeped.No offense if you are innocent, it's just the way i feel right now.Maybe i'll check sometime later to see where your at.Thank
you and goodbye.

"And i'm not saying this is proof,"

I personally think this is exactly the kind of things we need as proof. I mean the FBI has a book of pedo symbols/words used, along with their meanings. And when you go through the emails and is FULL of them.

So when the FBI puts together a task force of experts in the field to compile these they do so without the intent of these lists being used to help ensure the cases involving them at considered legitimate? or at the very least considered legitimate enough to warrant further investigation?

I say the FBI puts these lists together PRECISELY for the reason of finding and weeding out information valuable in cases sharing the same crime/pathology. Annnnd I am pretty sure I am right on this one so I'd love to be proven wrong.

I mean if someone turned me in for an email saying "I have an oz of gas and I'm selling cheap"... cops can use that as evidence to raid my home can't they? They know the street term for "gas" among drug users is the same as "marijuana". Because they know this, the "lexicon" opens up a true meaning or at the very least a springboard from which a "real" investigation can gain approval.

I agree. It's enough evidence for me to support sending a Special Forces
pedo-extermination squad for a little visit.But because of half asleep brainwashed mush-minds, i thought i'd soften my position slightly to win
them over to logic sense and reason. Something which is near impossible to
actually achieve. I'm surprised there aren't some nit-wits protesting on the side of pedophilia. (If that ever happens they should be given a severe beating by the closest normals in sight)
severe complete teeth removing beatings!

I too find it interesting that it is not on drudge...Id think this is the type of thing Drudge would attack. Maybe he realizes this could be a false flag to get them labeled as "fake news" so they are hoping grassroots will do the job for them without exposing them directly to future attacks...
its the only rational explanation i can make.

"What were the conversations about pizza all about?"

Seems like they were literally about pizza. No code necessary.

"Is this kind of lingo not a pedo-code?what are they talking about ?"

You are looking at this backwards. Why would you assume that it wasn't literally about pizza? Do you assume everything you don't understand to be pedophilia related? What a strange way of thinking.

"And the baby sucking on euro bills.where was the baby's mother?What mother would be cool with that?And how is that funny?"

Your sense of humour and taste for art aren't aligned with his. In another context this photo could be framed as some sort of portrayal of being born into a materialistic commercial world. I'm not sure what you read into that photo but it speaks more to you.

"And then you have a couple weak hit pieces, and then a complete and total
blackout of the subject and even the word pizzagate"

Actually the press coverage is increasing and the word pizzagate is included in many "hit pieces". The reality is that there isn't evidence to support the allegations so any objective journalist would report a so called "hit piece" or get sued with liable.

It seems like you are just grasping at anything you can find to demonize left wing politicians no matter what the reality is.

@ CJ God damn you are defensive and writing paragraphs defending your opinion lol man u crazy... If it's not true no need to put this much effort into dis crediting false statements, what are you gaining? If it's real the suffering anyone is enduring the inflict-er will meet its karmic energy in due time!

I see that more of a helpless way of thinking.. Let karma do it's thing... When it comes to kids, Hell no. Punishment to all men and women who do this filthy type of shxx to kids. This guy just doesn't seem suspect anymore... there's soo many other people and business involved in the allegations tho.. why don't we consider them now?

I see it as the only way of knowing not thinking. What you put out no matter good or bad you will receive the reciprocal in some form in due diligence.. Not really a fan of opinionated debates but I will say this as it being my humble opinion, after doing my own researching maybe some people should do some more deeper researching, cheers!

though I hope arcane info is correct, i tend to agree with mrwang. we can only expect what we are willing to work for. even if karma is real i suspect we do much better with the latter way of thinking because then karma will only help us more while hurting our enemies.

I think I can provide some insight into some of the code words being used in the PizzaGate investigation.

Domino(es): In prison, inmates are sometimes forced to implant a domino inside of their penis. While this is very taboo in the outside world, it has become a norm for most prison culture. The reason this is done is to increase sexual performance, at least that’s what they believe. I don’t really know the science behind it, but I digress. A friend of mine told me and showed me his implant after a stay in a Texas State Prison. He said “it’s a way to discern between someone being a ‘bitch’(meaning you take it up the ass) and someone being dominate”. Playing dominoes is code for sexual intercourse when you are the dominate-domino implanted..

NOTE: I am not saying that this is literally what they mean in the code, just that it may point us in the right direction

"If it's not true no need to put this much effort into dis crediting false statements"

It's really not much effort. After seeing it posted over and over and even in some cases seemingly gaining credibility among naive steemians. I decided to start speaking out.

Why are you okay with people slandering a man without evidence?

How do you stop someone from slandering you? Freedom of ..... If i'm OK with people slandering me without knowing me why would I care about another Man? I stopped giving 2 fk... about what people think of me a long time ago my concern is what people KNOW about me, cheers!

I'm really not sure what kind of point you are trying to make. In your own model I would be the reciprocal reaction to the original claims. They put out garbage allegations and opinions into the ether and received my critical opinion in return.

Go look for yourselves everyone and read .Goodbye forever you creepy person whoever you are.
And nice try saying they are just talking about pizza,anyone who looks will know that isn't true.

I ask for evidence and you run away, how typical.

We've both been looking.. and ya are starting to look as desperate as PETA did around 2008 when they euthanized a horse during a live broadcast of a horse race... claiming animal cruelty and justice be served yet fail to realize the injured horse was suffering and the action taken was to put the horse out of misery.

PETA then came onto ESPN and looked like idiots trying to put up false and fabricated claims against the sport and certain individuals. Ya are starting to act just like them.. chill out, regather evidence and come back with stronger proof.. i will stand by you then

Possibly overreacting is completely justified in this case.
The protection of children and babies life-force purity and innocence trumps
everything else and pedophilia and child torture and sacrifice need to be completely hacked,ripped and exterminated from the World for all time
by any means necessary.
Something that can, will , and has to be done by the way.Anybody see Podesta lately? maybe he should try to explain what this email was all about:

"Seems like they were literally about pizza. No code necessary"

welllll bro what about this one: "the realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related)"
When was the last time you heard ANYONE say they found a pizza-related map on a handkerchief?

I worked for a long time in pizza shops and never heard any of these types of phrases...and i mean never. I never have even heard of a pizza-related map. Add to this that he has found it on a handkerchief? Did you look at those paintings of children getting molested? Did you see a handkerchief/towel placed under the child in these images?

"You are looking at this backwards. Why would you assume that it wasn't literally about pizza? Do you assume everything you don't understand to be pedophilia related? What a strange way of thinking."

Reread what i state above--I have worked in pizza for a longggg time (approx 10 years of my lilfe) and never (never) have I head the term "pizza" used in the ways these people use it. Yes sometimes they talk about things like "pizza parties" and such but I overlook that (despite how odd it seems to me that people who regularly attend 50k/plate dinners have a secret "hobby" of eating pizza together at parties).

Actually the press coverage is increasing and the word pizzagate is included in many "hit pieces". The reality is that there isn't evidence to support the allegations so any objective journalist would report a so called "hit piece" or get sued with liable.

This is one reason why I ask myself the ONE thing that makes me question this entire pizzagate thing. It seems to me, it MIGHT have been a false flag to attack our "freedom of speech" and "innocence until proven guilty" by creating a story with so many obvious connections that seem to add up to alot but lead nowhere in the end. I mean already the media has people fighting over what real and fake news is. Nevermind the discussion that people should be able to read any news they wish or say anything they wish. The ultimat goal of the elite is always to "divide and conquer". Could this operation be one way to do so? It is possible to wag the dog...

Why should your life experience working with pizza qualify you about that email? It wasn't about working in a pizza place. I'm sure plenty of people have said plenty of things I've never personally read. It really doesn't seem suspect in the least.

The easiest explanation would be there was literally a napkin or handkerchief with a map on it. Maybe this was a map to a pizza restaurant or maybe the handkerchief had a pizza restaurant logo on it. Asking someone if a map on a napkin is theirs doesn't seem very weird to me. The person probably wanted to know who's it was and if they still needed the map.

"have a secret "hobby" of eating pizza together at parties)."

Doesn't seem like it was all that secret and as someone who worked in pizza you should know its an extremely well liked food. It's also a food that you could form a hobby of trying at various locations since so many places serve different styles of pizza.

The richest person I know is actually a huge foodie and really into pizza it really isn't that weird at all.

"The easiest explanation would be there was literally a napkin or handkerchief with a map on it. Maybe this was a map to a pizza restaurant or maybe the handkerchief had a pizza restaurant logo on it. Asking someone if a map on a napkin is theirs doesn't seem very weird to me. The person probably wanted to know who's it was and if they still needed the map."

Oh we can't do occam's razor here...the likelihood that it is a handkerchief with a "pizza related map"...why? Because I can literally (yes literally) go out and show you a number of other quotes that can be added onto this. When it is one quote that makes me wonder...I don't get a big lightbulb going off above my head. But when you have literally a network of people all talking like means something other than what it means on the surface. ----and i mean every time (have you ever spoken in code to others? Didn't it sound odd to others who didn't sit on the inside with you?"

Obviously the FBI disagrees with you that code words should be ignored and should nearly always be taken at face value---even when it seems to be used completely out of place. Instead they compiled entire lists of these words along with the associated meaning within these criminal enterprises to help them identify precisely what kind of criminal activity those in communication are running.

As far as my 10 years in pizza---who do you think has heard every single combination of phrases using the word "pizza" you can ever imagine? Who do you think has heard people talking about ordering pizza in all kinds of slang from various parts of the country? When you work in an industry you learn the "lingo". So it means a HUGE amount that I know the lingo because if it was a normal saying to have found a "pizza-related handkerchief", or "do you think i'd do better playing dominoes on pizza or spaghetti?" ...or (I really don't feel like going and getting more...but they are very easily found) I would be telling you a completely different story. I'd be saying "no this is a common phrase used in the industry...and i can tell you this for certain".

"They also seem to disagree with pizzagaters. I find the invocation of the FBI in pizzagate to be quite selective. When convenient for the narrative they are invoked but then in the next sentence will be thrown under the bus as a corrupt organization that is in on the whole thing."

that is odd considering that i haven't read anything saying this. If you are talking about James Comey...I think you should first consider that he apparently read through 650,000 emails with a small team over the course of ...what...4 days? Impossible...I hope you will recognize this fact.

He also said that Hillary could not "reasonably" be charged for something I guarantee you I would have gone to prison for doing 1/1000th of while in the military.

Secondly, just because 1 person (james comey) comes out to say "nothing to see here" means very little. He does not represent the totality of the FBI--he is simply a figurehead. When I put down the FBI (which seemed to be an assumption on your part as I had said nothing bad about the FBI until this moment), I only talk about that...because the contents of her emails "did not put our country in danger". It is punishable to have government information held on private (and unsecured) servers. Very very illegal unless it is directly signed off on by higher ups.

When an entire group of experts have to come together (at the behest of specific department heads overseeing certain areas of crime), however, and represent the experts in their field within the FBI, this is an entirely different situation than Comey. So I have to say that it seems a bit selective of you to act as though the FBI is a singular entity and that the actions of a director, or my opinions about him, have anything to do with the FBI's relevance as a whole. ;)

"Obviously the FBI disagrees with you that code words should be ignored"

They also seem to disagree with pizzagaters. I find the invocation of the FBI in pizzagate to be quite selective. When convenient for the narrative they are invoked but then in the next sentence will be thrown under the bus as a corrupt organization that is in on the whole thing.

Considering that portions of the FBI are reportedly full of Trump supporters that absolutely loath the Clintons why aren't they all over this thing? I find the lack of FBI arrests speaks volumes right now.

"They also seem to disagree with pizzagaters. I find the invocation of the FBI in pizzagate to be quite selective. When convenient for the narrative they are invoked but then in the next sentence will be thrown under the bus as a corrupt organization that is in on the whole thing."

I keep reading "seem to" but your entire point of questioning here seems to be based around the idea of having proof. I have seen nothing saying the FBI denies this or the relevance of their Pedo Symbolism in this case.

I am genuinely curious---can you show me a link? Or is this something that you are assuming?

The false flag is an interesting take. I'll have to ponder that one.

that is the ONLY thing that is messing with me. why? because things seem TOO perfect.

Btw, ironically not only did i work in pizza for 10 years, but I also worked in a family health clinic so I have a bit of experience in both these areas.

LOL, can anybody think logically before posting a comment?

What a nice man! I don't think I'd have the patience.

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He's a complete weirdo!

There may be enough evidence available to warrant calling him weird, I will concede to that.

Title: Restraunt .... should be Restaurant ....?

sounds like you need to be investigated for knowing too much and questioning the title

Good catch. They dont have spell check in the title box for some reason and I tend to type fast with typos.

you..asshole. questioning facts when you are can't even type (shame on you) :P

It actually warms my heart to see that steemians dont jump on typos during argument and debate. If I had made that typo on Youtube it would be used against me for years.

wth did i just do? you are blind to my crimes! MWAHAHA!

Haha, you, me and everyone. :-)

I know how to eat and where to go to eat is just one of the place I know how to spell.;-)

saw him smiling in one video/waving off the accusations..

You just gave yourself away by calling it an "alt-right circlejerk". You're obviously a paid troll. the "alt-right" slander is the new "conspiracy theory" propagated by the guilty left to smear the progressive left's investigation into the corruption inside these pedophile rings. Next you'll be calling us communists and blaming pizzagate on Russia. OBVIOUS TROLL IS BEING OBVIOUS. This post is one enormous con.

Your reasoning is highly flawed. My appropriate use of the buzzword 'alt-right' bridges none of the conclusions you have drawn. Your comment amounts to a massive non-sequitur. You are grasping at straws to sooth your cognitive dissonance.

Ooh! Look at all the fancy words you know!! Are you in college?