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RE: Men Don't Have A Monopoly On Violence - The Myth Of Female Innocence

in #news6 years ago

It's and ad for a razor. That's it.
It's genius marketing - the more polarising, the more viral it will go, because the more people will argue about it.

Also everything about it is fake.

On the surface, the message seems to be "be kinder to each other", but what does the ad achieve? It makes people argue with each other. That's intentional, because it's good for business.

Also, it's not aimed at men. It's aimed at women. Percentage wise, a whole lot more women will agree with the "message" of this ad than men (as we're noticing...).

Women will be kind to Gillette from now on and buy so many more Gillette gifts for their men.
And Gillette still won't be kind to women and charge them the same for razors as they charge men, LOL.

Who cares. This is all just distraction, and yes, another way to cause even more separation.


It's definitely a brilliant piece of marketing and certainly aimed at women. It just bothers me that it drives a further wedge between the sexes and exaggerates the bad behavior of some men while painting men as bad with a broad brush.

I wasn't brought up that way. I was brought up to want to unapologetically protect women and don't feel ashamed of that no matter what anyone thinks. Call me old fashioned but that's how I am.

Plus, I think this is a bad message to put out there. Imagine, for example, if the perfume manufacturer Yves Saint Laurent created an ad portraying the worst in female behavior so they could empathize with a male audience to grab more market share while encouraging men not be innocent bystanders when that kind of female behavior happens. What kind of blowback would that have from their female customers? How do you think they would react or feel?

I think women would absolutely lose their minds and boycott the company. The media would probably blame the men who came up with that advertising campaign even if a woman created it. It's just wrong to divide the sexes like this.