VIDEO - Antifa Attack Sargon Of Akkad

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Nothing Says "Anti Fascist" quite like violent attempts of censorship, it would seem...

Today, a group of Antifa (terrorists, soyboys or activists, depending on your viewpoint) interrupted a presentation being given by controversial YouTuber Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon Of Akkad.

Things didn't quite go as planned though, as their rowdiness was met with equal amounts of aggression. Things got physical pretty quickly, with audience members shoving them away from the stage, and Carl himself getting involved in some of the scuffling. They made a pretty hasty retreat, in fact, the whole incident only lasted about a minute.

As much as I am against violence, there is a part of me that is glad to see people standing up to Antifa for a change.

Videos of the chaos are popping up on YouTube ...

So, dear readers, what is your take on Antifa?


It would have been interesting to sit them down and see if dialogue was actually possible or are they, as the guy in the video said, just complete numbskulls.

Couldn't agree more. I've made a few political news posts recently and this common theme seems to be emerging. There simply isn't enough reasonable, civil discourse between left and right these days.

Civil discourse....ah, I remember it well. There was a time when people actually digested information instead of simply regurgitating it.

Too much violence. There are some activists that take things to the extreme. Something that a simple dialogue can solve. It's sad really

Why they doing this!!

Anyone else notice that Antifa came out with their flag upside-down? lol they can't even figure that out...

I do not know much about it, but it has always saddened me that extremist groups come to violence to be heard.

That's nuts, didn't hear about it til just now. It doesn't strike me as the most efficient way to get their point across.

violence will take them nowhere

I believe there are different medium to express ones anger or opinion and not through violent means or aggressive combat. I believe they learnt their lessons ...