On May 8, 2019 The UK's Guardian news outlet published an article titled "Russia and Turkey landgrab 'behind fresh Syria bombardment' - Twelve healthcare centres destroyed in bombardment of Idlib province".
Link to Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/may/08/russia-and-turkey-landgrab-behind-fresh-syria-bombardment
The article presented a one-sided anti-Syrian government narrative that featured various individuals stating that Russian and Syrian armed forces were bombing 'health centers'. Note that the use of the term "hospitals" is now no longer being used and The Guardian has simply switched the narrative to health centers. It is notable that the entire Guardian piece is lacking in any mention of al-Qaeda's presence in the province of Idlib, even though numerous geopolitical analysts and even US government representatives have admitted such:
Link to Middle East Institute video of Brett McGurk, the Special Presidential Envoy to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIS stating on record:
The Guardian article juxtaposed against Brett McGurks statement is highly misleading, particularly when it comes to the role of one of the individuals used as a source. That source is Madj Khalif, one of the leaders of the White Helmets who have been caught on numerous occasions working in collusion with terrorists groups and operating alongside the FSA (Free Syrian Army) which, ironically, The Guardian itself (under the leadership of Alan Rusbridger) revealed to be infiltrated and overrun by al-Nusra Front terrorist groups as early as 2013.
Link to Facebook images from Madj Khalif's own account reveals him to have verifiable al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria) terrorist ties.
“Now You See Me” – Over 100 White Helmet Self-Posted Facebook Images Expose Fake Humanitarian Group as FSA Terrorists Linked with Al-Qaeda
The images above from his own Facebook account juxtaposed with an image from The Guardian article verify their use of this individual as a legitimate source for information on Syria. Screenshot from Guardian article:
It is noteworthy that The Guardian also used a second individual as a source and described them as "Syrian Armed opposition Leadership". They have dropped the use of FSA (Free Syria Army) terminology that they previous used in other articles. This is mostly likely because The Guardian themselves (under different management) revealed back in 2013 that the opposition FSA was comprised of al-Nusra Front terrorists (al-Qaeda in Syria).
Link to 2013 Guardian article plus screenshots proving al-Qaeda infiltration of the FSA opposition:
This does present a conundrum for The Guardian, for it is they themselves that previous reported that the FSA opposition is made up of al-Qaeda while at the same time this most recent article suggests that 1) by omission, there are no al-Qaeda terrorists in Idlib being bombed by Russian and Syrian armed forces, just 'health care centers', 2) the opposition is no longer associated with the FSA which is comprised of terrorists as previous reported by The Guardian themselves, 3) they chose to utilize an individual as a source who is associated with al-Nusra Front and who freely posts on his Facebook page in support of al-Qaeda, thus implying a lack of due diligence or sheer complicity on their behalf. 4)They are hoisted on their own petard, undone by their own 'reporting' which leaves the readership in doubt as to their authenticity and honesty when it comes to their reporting.
The evidence in this post is supplied by The Guardian themselves and the individuals they chose to associate with for their reporting, thus they have put themselves in an impossible to defend position. They have checkmated themselves. The lack of omission of the statement of Brett McGurk on the part of The Guardian is also cause for distrust. In conclusion I will provide additional links to other White Helmets Facebook accounts so that citizens can judge for themselves what the White Helmets chose to post on their Facebook pages.
Hundred of other images, videos and links to their Facebook accounts can be found via these linked archives:
Huge Cache of White Helmets Exposed Links All In One Massive Volume For Sharing and Red Pilling - Over 400 Images in 22 Files
Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group
Note that in 2016 The Guardian recommended the White Helmets for a Nobel Peace Prize.
As additional supporting evidence of the White Helmets collusion with terrorists I provide the following linked video which features over 50 collated video clips uploaded by the White Helmets themselves, thus clearly proving the group are working in collusion with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups operating in Syria.
Exposing the White Helmets : Collated Video Evidence of Terrorist Collusion - Over 50 Video Clips
Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)
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