Terror in Charlottesville

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I feel terrible for the people who went to Charlottesville today out of some moral duty to let Nazis know their views are disgusting.

They must have not known that their were two organized groups, pitted against each other that were both expecting conflict and violence. The white nationalists call the extreme left communists their "enemy", and the same is true for the Antifa types. Both had announced their plans to be there before this event.

To get mixed up in that childish bullshit when the violence broke out had to be terrifying.

The media will eat this up and normal people with differing opinions and views will be lead to hate their neighbors.

This was two radical fringes coming together with a group of innocent people in the middle.

Oh, and a useless police force.

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Hate speech leads to hate actions, no doubt about that. And that is why I am against hate speech.

Hate speech?

I guess it depends on who's viewpoint you look through that determines wether speech is hate or not. Anyone with opposing views can consider another's ideas as hate. More importantly is freedom of speech, where if ideas are not conducive to the majority's opinion, they can be defeated with logic and intellect. Instead of yelling and chanting and breaking windows, allow all speakers to express themselves peacefully and present arguments to change people's minds towards protecting everyone's civil liberty, and their inherent right to live free of violence. Because one day, your speech might be considered as hateful and you will want the forum to express yourself without being drowned out by those who aren't willing to listen.
White, black, purple, male, female or other... who gives a fuck, do what you want to do as long as it doesn't hurt someone else.

Don't forget if a persons view is flawed, reasonable people will see it.

Hate speech is a slippery slope. Especially when you start legislation