Japan’s Electronics Marketplace Starts Adopting Bitcoin

in #news8 years ago

The famed electronics marketplace Akihabara in Japan has started to move with the times as adoption of Bitcoin rises within stores in the district.

What is Akihabara?
The area houses a huge array of shops selling everything from computers and gaming systems to household appliances and entertainment devices. It has also developed into a popular destination for gamers and is building a strong anime/manga subculture.

Akihabara attracts masses of tourists, as well as locals, to its high-tech electronic stores, but up until very recently, the electronic marketplace has only been accepting regular fiat currency. Now, there is a movement to integrate with high-tech digital currencies, as you would expect in a district that prides itself on technology and gadgetry.

Such a district would be predicted to be leading the mass adoption of digital currencies as a payment system, but in all honesty, it has been a slow take off in Akihabara.

Currently, there is only a small percentage of stores accepting Bitcoin, but there is rapid and recognizable growth.

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