I was just going through the best aggregators out there, but they fell short today. Usually stick with Zero Hedge, Drudge and Liberty Mill.
Yours is pretty good, @aggroed. I'll use it more in the future. Thanks.
I was just going through the best aggregators out there, but they fell short today. Usually stick with Zero Hedge, Drudge and Liberty Mill.
Yours is pretty good, @aggroed. I'll use it more in the future. Thanks.
I manually aggregate @newsagg. I have Liberty Mill and Drudge in bookmarks but don't generally use them as they typically are contrary to my goal to not be biased (not completely possible, but as close as I can be) as they will change headlines from what the sites they link to. I do generally include some stuff from Zerohedge in the large group I look at but, it is typically 2 - 4 topics from there and never more.
@aggroed will likely be able to tell you aggregating takes some time. I do have a round of sites that I visit, but I keep adding to them, and I have some I only check periodically as they don't usually publish on a daily basis. Zerohedge and many others post something EVERY day so they are places to definitely take a peak at.
We'll have to see if @aggroed wants to team up and throw links at the bottom of the posts to cross link between the two services. Though he has more followers than I do so @newsagg would benefit more from that than he is likely to (for now).
Just noticed that I missed your reply, @dwinblood. I try and always respond to every reply. I may have some additional sources for you to have a look at very shortly. You can decide if you'd like to use them. Additionally, I'd like to aggregate some of the worst offenders, at least once, lol. Do you notice any perpetually-repeating patterns?
Well when doing the Left section I hit www.politicalwire.com, www.talkingpointsmemo.com, and www.slate.com every day as they were recommended to me by a leftist. I typically find those three sources to mostly be pretty much drivel, opinion, and focusing on trivial things even when something major is going on.
LOL, thanks! So - misdirection outlets, eh? I'll make sure to aggregate them. I wonder what I will name the
pilefolder?Why? What on earth is your agenda for assembling these vast collections of meaningless news stories designed to con people into thinking they are getting some sort of underground news?
I follow you but long ago muted your newsagg feed because I have no desire to see "news" distraction feeds.
You are one of the first people I followed on Steemit, and I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but here is one bit of feedback as a mark of respect for everything I've learned from you on Steemit. If you associate with qanon I'm outer there...
This post https://steemit.com/qanon/@aggroed/qanon-public-forum-tomorrow-new-4-20-18-material is the most appalling thing I've seen here in nearly two years, I'm trying to get my head around what is going on (working for the deep state by design or ignorance?)
Like qanon, this post is part true and part false, but mainly an agenda of killary is evil (true, but probably not as evil as being a satan worshiping cannibal) while chump is savior (bollocks, he's another zionist puppet like barry) and get people freaking out about libtards (fair enough, but it's zionists they really need to watch)
Deep state programming is like a multi level game and it's taken me two years to realise that some of the smartest people on Steemit are either not master level or are playing a different game. I'll say this once, for you, and that's it, this is a messed up space, now I'll put a sock in it and move on, this is not going to go well.
I don't censor where I get my news. That is the point. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Maybe check your ego too.
EDIT: I thought I should clarify. I have this ability. Actually all of us do (yourself included) if we bother to use it.
That is the ability to read, listen, and talk to anyone and still use my own damn brain to think for myself.
I see a lot of stuff that is drivel to me personally, but I still listen to it. I can listen without agreeing. I can also get points of value and discard other things. I am not a fish. I don't have to take the entire thing and get snagged.
If all I did was read sites I 100% agreed with then I wouldn't learn much of anything. If all I did is push my own ideas as FACT without being able to question them then I might as well open a church and make some money while I'm at it.
You can't learn much in an echo chamber. If you don't have the ability to think for yourself when you hear things, or speak to people then that is something you should remedy quickly.
If you do have that ability then why the need to prance about like a cock showing off it's plumage and bash sources you may not agree with?
Get over it. You won't agree with anyone or any place completely, we are individuals.
If you are confident in your own ability to reason then you should have no fear or reason to harp on who people listen to, or don't listen to.
Keyword: LISTEN
Does not mean agree.
Also keep in mind. You may be the one falling for it. They like to divide. They like to conquer. The best way to do that is get people thinking in terms of identity politics and group think.
You seem like you may be infected with some of that. Fix it.
I agree and I'm not trying to be a dick (it happens effortlessly) - but this trump killary thing has always been a perfect example of divide and conquer, and if people are seriously posting stuff about killary being evil and calling it news - they are just creating a distraction - news would be how much soros is paying trump - killary is evil was late 90's news at best.
And paying hundreds of dollars to get this crap trending while a bunch of new fake accounts worship it is damn suspicious.
A point I've been trying to make is that many of the news sources quoted online are deep state fakes - Alex Jones, Sibel Edmonds, Edward Snowden, Noam Chompsky, Julian Assange - all may be 80% true, but it's all the stuff missed out that is dangerous. Agents of distraction from the zionist overlords.
Qanon is the worst example of" spout lots of old crap but don't mention Israel" since CNN, and chump is the biggest zionist puppet since barry!
Blend enough irrelevant crap together into one giant post and it says nothing but tricks people into thinking they just learned something. Listening is not helpful if you are listening to white noise.
There are other people on Steemit who are saying the same things in private, but given the power of some of the most suspicious accounts on Steemit, we don't go too public.
Believe it or not I actually have a lot of respect for your opinions, but in this case I think (I may be delusional) that I've found out some stuff you may not know.
What does this picture say, and is it worth say $50 million?