Yahoo News Publishes My Steemit Article, and Now, I'm Being Attacked by the "Kremlin!"

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Breaking news for my fellow Steemians! Yahoo News just picked up my Steemit article that was originally published by InvestorPlace Media, here --


Folks, this is as big as it gets! The only thing bigger would be a feature on The Wall Street Journal, which they wouldn't do anyways because the blockchain threatens their staid, antiquated business model.

Once I realized the true potential of the blockchain, and the reality that I could make serious money on the Steemit platform, I knew that the glory days of Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat were coming to an end. Facebook still has a great chance to make long-term gains, but the problem is that a mass exodus could occur once people recognize Steemit's monetization capacity.

The Astounding Steemit Opportunity!

The biggest challenge, of course, is coverage. Honestly, I wouldn't know anything about Steemit were it not for my friend, @mikeparker. Indeed, I wouldn't know anything about cryptocurrency assets without his constant advocacy.


Steemit truly sells itself, but in order to sell, someone must know what they are buying. Organically, an opportunity came up at InvestorPlace where I could write about Facebook stock, but discuss the very real potential of Steemit impacting both FB and the social media industry.

From there, it was a matter of doing some research, gathering evidence, and "doing my thang!" I'm really pleased how the article turned out, and that I was able to bring mainstream attention to this awesome community!


The Kremlin-bots Are Coming!

Of course, not everyone was happy about Steemit finally receiving mainstream coverage. Yahoo trolls -- or as I like to call them, the Kremlin-bots! -- immediately sought me out and attacked me. Here's a sample of their handiwork, and I'm sure there's more to come...


I laughed! I take encouragement for the fact that a) I'm going to make money off these idiot trolls, and b) we really must be getting to them! Imagine a future where the majority of social media content is delivered via the blockchain. Putting out crap content -- like these assholes -- won't profit them anything, and they'll eventually suffocate out of the system.

After dealing with YouTards for years on end, this is music to my ears!

Oh Whales, Where Art Thou!?

I need some help. I truly want to get this InvestorPlace article greater coverage. I call it help me, help us all! Can you imagine the good that it will do for the entire community now that InvestorPlace Media, Yahoo News, Google Finance, and other popular sites are running current, relevant coverage about Steemit and the STEEM currency?


I want to thank everyone that has already seen and shared the article. I'd especially like to reach out to the whales -- if you can use your influence in spreading the word, it would help tremendously! After all, this is a win-win situation across the board, and it will catalyze Steemit (and STEEM) to unprecedented volume and engagement levels.

For your convenience, the InvestorPlace article is here --


Glad to see your article finally published!


Yeah, so am I! It took a while but it's finally here! :)

Thanks for what you have done for steemit

That is Awesome!!!!!

Upvoted and Resteemed!!

That is fucking CRAZY NEWS!!! Where are All The Whales???

Whales, I need whales! :)

Yesterday was just not a good day. Unfortunately, the overall traffic was mediocre so I won't be able to write about Steemit until it really generates attention on its own. It's a shame because more people were interested in the potential of a mainstream Steemit article as opposed to its actuality!

Hey man...

I have seen the whales come in on the 2nd and even the 3rd day!

Just Keep STEEM N ON,

Nope. I'm not taking any shit from them and doing a minstrel act to pretend that that snub wasn't insulting.

Oh you mean on IP article.

I got you now. You know they don't want the TRUTH!

(mainstream is going to be ruled by the MAINSTEEM)

Everybody need the whales! Where are they!

Shared on Facebook:))
Know what is going on around you! If you are SMART - Read THIS!!
If you are NOT - READ IT TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha! Love it!

Wow on Yahoo.

Niiice good for you man,let the waves we make be heard!!

I'm doing everything I can! :)

Nice work. I'll help you get the message out.

Thank you! That would be very much appreciated! :)

resteemed :)

Everyone, lets start sending this article and the others as the memo on small transactions to the whales, post them in the chat, re steem them. Do anything you can think of to draw as much attention as you can . This is a big deal.

Thank you so much! The one thing that Steemit was so far lacking was proper mainstream coverage, and I wanted to do my part. I'm so grateful for your enthusiastic support! Frankly, I was thinking that this would have taken off a lot earlier, but maybe the whales still need to get back home from work! :)

I'm trying @bullishmoney

steemit reply.PNG

Oh man, that's super-awesome...thanks!

One of the best post of the day on steemit, thanks @bullishmoney! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

To hell with Facebook, it's the most dangerous social media on the planet.

Facebook Live is a killer...literally

welcome to steemit ,we happy to have you here!!!!

This is good!, kill facebook!!! :D :D :D

Haha! That would be something! :)

Good job. Voted and Resteemed. Lets send the message :)

Thank you! I'm going to go whale-hunting! :)

10000$ btc согласен,это только начало,большинство просто пока еще вообще ничего не понимает,грядет Эпоха....21 век...,..остальное относительно (про фейсбук),..сила привычки - страшный грех)), да и просто обывателю,как правило,чем проще,тем лучше,а деньги тут пока не особые,...2 месяца проверки по лайкам 5$..)).....плюс репутацию грохнули,критику тут не любят по ходу,...но согласен,двигать надо,как все новое,а там видно будет..)

Да, я понимаю, большинство американцов чувствительны к критике.

Cyka Blat! thats all russian i know haha besides semiliota is airplane and Dvatset Dva is 22 from watching WIngs of Russia documentaries on the fifth gen russsianstealth jet the Pak Fa T50 Sukhoi and they ept talking abot the F22 raptor and saying Ef Dvatset Dva so i knew that meant 22 hahah i am guessing you are talking about steem price going to $5!

I love russian weapons and airplanes
I Cannot WAIt for the Pak DA Hypersonic Bomber!

Because we americans will have to create something to match it And we will have to match the new russian Armata Tank!

One day america and russia will just have wargames using robot tanks and aircraft on some island where we will test out alll our wepons on real War Games where we will play for a cash prize and Bragging rights, it can be a huge evvent like the Tank Biathalon where russia invites american tanks to compete in races but american taks are slower so we would loose! haha

holy shit i must resteem this

it will get past $1000 by tommorrow! all whales like @thejohalfiles @stellabelle and @craig-grant @rizion @jesta @cryptoctopus @acidyo @neoxian ALL need to see this!

Thanks for the enthusiasm! Unfortunately for me, the payout period is over, but yeah, you can resteem if you'd like! To be honest, it didn't quite generate the eyeballs that I thought it would...

Ok well, you still get paid after the first 7 days! the post can still be upvoted more and make more money and you will get even more steem from it!
or ddid someone tell you otherwise? Id like to know, cuz i know ive seen past posts of mine go up after the 7 days, ive only seen posts from before last hard fork some psost from like 9 months ago i cant upvote the price up, its weird, but i still can upvote this post and price went up!

Honestly, I have no clue! I was under the assumption that after 7 days, it's done and over with. Of course, I would love to be wrong on this! :)

Thank you for what you did ... it really does mean a lot to me because I spent considerable effort bringing positive attention and support to this community! :)