You don't understand because you think you live in America.
Well, you don't.
You live in an area controlled by a corporation based in the UK called The United States of America. Not to ever be confused with United States of America.
So, all of the officers of the corporation, like President Obomba, owe fealty to the crown.
Didn't you see Obomba meet the queen? He basically ran up and hugged her. I am pretty sure that he did this as a child many times.
We live in an oligarchy. Everyone shouts, no its a democracy!
Well, do you have a choice of who to vote for? Or do you get the choice of two puppets? Since the Oligarchs' plans have continued and been advanced by every single president... Here's hoping that Trump is not an Oligarch puppet... but I won't hold my breath. (He's still a narcissist.)
Oh, and thanks for showing a picture of "A queen" and not the queen. (shudders)
Lol - I've been desperate to use that photo for something - I LOVE IT!
I don't live in America. I suspect this is a hoax though:)
Well, this is what I have to tell Americans.
What I wrote is not a hoax. The United States of America is a corporation based out of the UK.
I have no idea about the video. And really don't care. I watch what they do. And that is enough for me to desire to lock the whole bloody lot up and throw away the key.
You should elaborate this into a post. Also I think we all even (the crown) are potentially run by the City of London which is kind of a nation state in itself (which most people don't realise).
There are already many sites dedicated to this information.
And I only get about half of it. I have researched a bit, but not to where I am an expert on any part of it. So, should I really write a post?
You don't have to say you're an expert. Just state what you have read (source it) and ask for discussion on it.
Frankly I don't understand it myself but it is worth getting the discussion going only if it is so we can be corrected and educated by people who do know.
In modern life we are all so fixated on our little areas of speciality that we do need the input of others to get the big picture.
Actually, yes, in most states you have a choice of a variety of candidates to vote for. Why most people continues to vote for the Democrat or the Republican I have no idea. I voted for Gary Johnson.