This is a weird one. I do not / cannot, trust in Trump. Things are too controlled, to many coincidences, too much black budget that Trump is "a good guy". For me, the only indicator that he is a good guy would be for him to take a drive through Dallas... in an open topped car... Which would only prove things after the fact.
Anyway, with too much evidence that both sides were paid and instigated to be in Charlottesville, and the police were told to stand down and then push the two groups into close proximity. Its all a bad setup.
And if the MSM had any journalists left, they would be looking into the allegations that Charlottesville was a setup. All we have now is rumors and a few (supposed) testimonies.
Anyway, avoid all of these groups. And work at building your community. It is people that actually know you that will defend you when the groups come to say that you are unamerican / Nazi / Capitalist / Fascist / bad-thought-thinker when just the accusation may mean a gulag sentence.
See my post from yesterday that Charlottesville was, in fact, a setup.
But more importantly, you don't have to trust Trump. I don't. Just accept that he's a mixture of good and bad, and believe in his patriotism, which I feel is absolutely genuine. How he expresses that patriotism, however, is the problem.
He's an agent of change and for that alone, I want him right where he is.