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RE: Catching a hacker... how much does media play upon public ignorance?

in #news8 years ago

Again, hollywood is a conspiratorial culprit in the deceiving of the people.

If you listen to hollywood about computers, law or finance, you have been duped. Meaning, you may think you know something... because, isn't the movie based on real lifeish? You think you know something, but everything you know is misleading, wrong or worse.

Take for instance that awful show about law, CSI (or one of its look alikes) where you have the investigative forensic specialist who compulsively goes over 8 files to see if he is missing something. Imagine real life, when the chief comes in and sees him doing this, and then points to the heavy cart full of files and ask, why are you wasting your time, when none of these have even been looked at?

And hollywood never tells you that hacking is so common is because it is so bloody easy. Microsloth winderz should come with a sticker that says virus inside. IE literally says, install virus here.

And the entire financial industry is for the hackers. They have no security. They make money off of losing money. They would rather have you pay fees then ever pay your bill. Sending out a new card to a thief makes them money. So, they leave you paying for a service to watch your account, instead of having the toughest security on everyone's account.


Yes, absolutely all of Hollywood is part of a conspiracy to cover up the reality of hacking. It couldn't possibly be that writers just don't know much about computers or that real hacking would be boring as shit to watch.