If Facebook decides to use Blockchain/cryptocurrencies, I wonder how they would integrate it into their current system. If we're only talking about paying users, that's doable. However, I don't see any other use considering Facebook is VERY centralized. They filter ALOT of political content that they don't agree with. Content-wise, if Facebook doesn't like it, you'll be suspended.
There have been numerous cases of users being suspended for giving their opinions on certain topics. I'm not talking about racism. I'm talking about objective viewpoints on controversial topics.
uckaberg looking into cryptocurrencies, it's going to be a wooooooooowwwww year better than 2017. #moneyinthebank 😁😁😁
2018 is the year of the hustle. It's the year of the grind. It's the year of crypto. I'm so excited for the future.