BREAKING: Undercover Conversation with CNN Producer Discussing Russia Fake News Narrative (w/ Transcript)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

From Project Veritas undercover reporter:


Project Veritas Undercover Journolist: So you believe the Russia thing is a little crazy right?

John Bonifield, CNN Producer: Even if Russia was trying to swing an election, we try to swing their elections, our CIA is doing shit all the time, we're out there trying to manipulate governments


JB: I haven't seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime


JB: I know a lot of people don't like him and they'd like to see him get kicked out of office
PV: That's what it seems like they're pushing
JB: But that's a lot different than that he actually did something that can get him kicked out of office.


PV: Then why is CNN constantly like "Russia this, Russia that?"
JB: Because it's ratings.
PV: Because it's ratings?
JB: Our ratings are incredible right now.
PV: Because of uh...
JB: Yea, so... my boss, I shouldn't say this, my boss yesterday we were having a discussion about this dental shoot and he was like I just want you to know what we're up against here


JB: Just to give you some context, President Trump pulled out of the climate accords and for a day and a half we covered the climate accords and the CEO of CNN [Jeff Zucker] said in our internal meeting, he said good job everybody covering the climate accords, but we're done with it let's get back to Russia.
PV: The CEO?
JB: Yeah, so even the climate accords, so it's like okay, a day or so but we're moving back to Russia.


PV: So I understand it's all ratings, right?
JB: It's a business, people are like the media has an ethical pffff...


JB: But, all the nice __cut__esy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business. Especially cable news. Cable news isn't the New York Times, it's not even NBC Nightly News, I mean, NBC News still gets 20 million viewers a night. Cable news is getting a million. So, they got to do what they got to do to make their money.


JB: I think there are a lot of liberal CNN viewers who want to see Trump really get scrutinized. And I think if we would have behaved that way with President Obama and scrutinized everything he was doing with as much scruting as we applied to Donald Trump, I think our viewers would have been turned off. I think they would have felt like we were attacking him, our viewers right now. And I'm not saying all our viewers are super liberals. I think there's just a lot of them and...

PV: So Trump is good for business you're saying?

JB: Trump is good for business right now.


PV: But honestly, you think the whole Russia shit is just bullshit?
JB: Could be bullshit. I mean, it's mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don't have any giant proof. Then they say, well there's still an investigation going on. I don't know, if they were finding something we would know about it. The way these leaks happen, they would leak it. They'd leak. If it was something really good, it'd leak.


JB: I just feel like they don't really have it but they want to keep digging. And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting me. You have no smoking gun, you have no real proof.


Here's the official Project Veritas video:

Main Takeaway for me: "if they were finding something we would know about it. The way these leaks happen, they would leak it. They'd leak. If it was something really good, it'd leak."

What's your biggest takeaway on this one?


I hate how trump says Russia didn't meddle in the elections but then says the Obama administration new about Russian meddling since 2016. IE everybody in a higher position at the time new about Russian meddling. So messed up

Yeah, for me it not that he colluded. becuase we don't know yet. It that he almost denies russia did anything at all when everybody agrees they were trying to affect the elections.

I'm agreeing with your takeaway on it, if there was anything there we would know about it, it would be out there for people to find.

Exactly. We know everything else about everything, but still no evidence is ever presented to show anything about Russia hacking anything. They hacked Podesta's email because he was dumb enough to fall for a phising email asking for his password lol.

Then Seth Rich is killed and many others in DNC because the DNC data/servers are leaked(not hacked). If Russia really hacked the DNC wouldn't we be hugely retaliating against them? One might say we would Bigly retaliate against them. But Obama did almost nothing, he kicked out some low level Russian ambassadors and a few spies and then put sanctions on like 30 Russian officials. How is that even close to the response it should be?Shouldn't the response to an entire party's server being hacked almost be war? I mean really, how can that be our response if it really happened, which leads me to believe it didn't.

His name was Seth Rich and the many others who sent it to wikileaks.

Building up a good list of like minded people, let me know if I can add your name to it! Followed ya and appreciate a follow back if you like my content :)

There are so many blatant false accusations and lies flying around now. I've posted more here on the possibilities of full out war with Russia. This is also from yesterday - images of US UN rep Nikki Haley and White House spokesperson Sean Spicer Tweets at link:

I also followed you and appreciate your good content.

I'm always kidding about: for sure, we are Russians, meddled in elections, because we, who are US citizens voted against granny Clinton, because she would like to start a new world war. So we voted not for Trump, but against Clintons. We need a peace and good relationships with Russia.

CNN belongs to democrats and their goal to detabilize US and remove Trump.

Please don't mess news and propaganda

Their goal might be to remove trump. But, i doubt it is to destablize America I do believe both parties want america to succeed even if they are crazy power hungry lunatics. Republican goal was to make sure hilary loses. That is just part of the game.

Unfortunately we have 2 gamers and people between them/ and they use people for making their own profit (physical or moral or both)

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I remember the day after i first tried lsd when i was 18 i woke up and turned the news on and every channel including the commercials looked fake. It's all a big show. Reading between the lines is the true skill.

This is only the first of these to be revealed. Not that we didn't know #CNN was #FakeNews anyways. Nice post. I'm going to share on my Twitter account.

James Jackdrew

The media was always all about the money, news are real as the world is flat...

the CNN sensationalists(they are NOT journalists) just have to pack up their bags and leave already seriously who watches that crap anymore ?? excuse my french :) ps how do they look at themselves in the mirror for doing such a crappy job ?? rant over lol

Interesting news... followed you. Will be seeing more of your posts, thanks for sharing!

Russia is KGB they know how to hide their tracks, their not stupid. They know they meddled in the election, it's well know Putin doesn't like Hillary and thus plotted against her.


How will CNN ever recover? xD

Everything should me made known to the public. After the drama by Clinton and Trump looking like an angel. Everyone should know about everything. People power. I'm with you on this. Take it to the streets! Cheers!


hey blake , nice blog ., check my blog too , thank you , follow me back.

Totally agree with your take away. The Crap News Network lives up to its name!

lol excellent

Good job posting this, its a huge story.

Shutdown CNN, MSNBC, and all the fake news media outlets, the internet has introduced more and more ways to give truth and evidence, TV stations go by their own agenda and if it goes against their narrative they make shit up.

Excellent post brother, thank you for the information, I would like you to give me your support as I am new to Steemit and my only goal here is to make known to the whole world the situation that is living in my country, Watch my blog as much as you can, God bless you. can this be? They said it was them Russkies and the news would never lie, right? Yak

I'd say just as big a takeaway is that they are more interested in the business of "news" and discussing ethics, once the rallying cry of true journalists, is now simply "adorable."

Up side is there's always a chance for the apocalypse.