Has Celebrity Alyssa Milano, been brainwashed by Propaganda Media?

in #news7 years ago

Celebrities like Alyssa Milano, seem determined to insert themselves into the political fray based on their hatred for President Trump. Even celebrities have a Constitutional right to voice their political opinions, regardless of their reasons. 1Alyssa.jpg

What bothers me about Celebrities using their public platforms to inject themselves into current political issues, is that they are so utterly misinformed, or should i say non-informed, about the subject matters at hand. They are not the only ones in this day and age of social media that feel it is their obligation, or right, to opine on political matters. Any fool with a laptop or smartphone, (which is virtually everyone), can open wide their mouth to display their ignorance, wisdom, or lack thereof.

Celebrities like Milano, call for the President to reveal His personal tax returns ( which is his private business according to the law) while they fail to even pay their own taxes. It is the arrogance and moral superiority celebrities feign that "chaps my cheeks"!DE06vVdUQAQHHtN.jpg

They act like the rest of us haven't seen the overtly sensual and/or sexual clothing they wear that requires us to hide our children's eyes if they are in the room when they come on the red carpet. They also think nothing of the pornographic content of many of their movies and television roles, not to mention the straight out demonic witchcraft and sick morals they spread in the name of Hollywood, USA, all over the world. What I find terribly troubling, is the fact that people like Alyssa Milano and many others seem to get all of their information and/or opinions from the so called reporting of the mainstream media. What is wrong with watching the news on CNN, MSNBC, or The young turks? Well.......Everything! the-cia-owns-the-media.jpg

(Besides the fact that the young turks accepted money from the Clinton's allegedly, and many of the other mainstream media also attended parties given by campaign chairman John Podesta, as well as gifts, favors, and who knows what else, in exchange for favorable stories, softball questions, and even prior approval on stories being written about Hillary Clinton!) For starters, the last thing you will ever get from the American Mainstream Media, is truth, or facts! At least you will rarely ever get facts that are not misconstrued to fit into a particularly left leaning, liberal, narrative. To hell with the truth, unbiased facts, real journalism, or investigative research of any kind, when it comes to the American Propaganda Media. Yes, I said propaganda, and I did not exaggerate in using that word. I do not think the average American, be they democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, citizen or celebrity, truly understands what a crisis of 'Lies and Misinformation' has overtaken our Country. The American propaganda media has given up all pretense of being unbiased, fair, or even truthful. If you are someone like me, who seeks knowledge, and goes looking for the truth, you will quickly discover many stories about things happening in America, being reported on Foreign or European news sites, that you never hear of on America TV. The media is not just lying to us and feeding us propaganda, they are actively keeping truth from us! Truth, that the rest of the world is being told, even in so-called authoritarian countries like Russia, or communist countries like China. Other countries are actually laughing, and ridiculing, "how dumb the American sheeple are!" This is an extremely dangerous situation for our country to be in!
Propaganda media is exactly how Adolph Hitler took over Germany in just a few years. Using lies, misinformation, and propaganda to manipulate the German people, Hitler turned them against their neighbors the Jews, that they had lived peacefully side by side with for centuries.

If you think this is a far-fetched leap to take concerning America, I beg to differ. Just take a look at Charlottesville,Berkeley, and Washington DC, to name only a trio of the many out of control riots we have had in this country, due to the lies, division, false racism, and propaganda being spewed out on a daily basis by the liberal media, the democrats, and the equally culpable Barack Obama administration. Then consider the looming November 4th threat we face in the next few days. A subversive group paid for by democrat backed supporters, egged on by the lying liberal media, plan to riot and commit violence until they overthrow a duly elected, United States President! This is total Anarchy! Democrats and Media fueled propaganda is responsible for all of the race-baiting, 'ism' calling, rac-ism, islamaphob-ism, fac-ism, that is wrongly directed at President Donald J Trump, and has led to this Nov.4th threat of violence. I assure you, none of this propaganda has been done in ignorance. Recent riots and marches by groups like BLM,SJW, neo-nazi's and antifa, are all by design, planned with a suspected outcome. If you doubt the media is strategically causing divisiveness, then ask yourself why a group such as Antifa, has been resurrected from the Nazi propaganda days prior to WW2? And why would Antifa suddenly show up in America, with the same flag, same tactics, same objectives, creating racial divide and ensuing a civil war in this country?
What most concerns me, is the fact that the propaganda is working on a large slice of the uninformed, American people. Conservatives are not being told the truth in many instances, either. And people like Alyssa Milano, other celebrities, and many Americans, are still behaving as if the media in America has not changed since the 1950's when they strived to be unbiased, truthful, and had journalistic integrity. People are swallowing whatever lies and innuendo the media uses as bait, hook, line, and sinker!
It is imperative at this time in our history, with so much of our very freedoms at stake, Americans begin to be truth seekers, fact checkers, and knowledge lovers. We all need to use a healthy dose of skepticism, do a lot of investigative research for ourselves, and use knowledgeable discernment to ferret out the truth of a matter; then, and only then, should we form an opinion about that matter. We have to stop listening only to the media channels and personalities that agree with opinions we have already formed. Those opinions are most likely based on our own beliefs, and lies we've already been told by the media. germanyCIAjournalistMediaJoke (1).jpg
In soon coming articles I will lay out the evidence to prove to everyone, including Alyssa Milano, if she is interested in the real truth, (and not just innuendo that corroborates her own opinions), that the media is being controlled and spewing out lies and propaganda to the American people.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ridicules U.S. Media

"There used to be a joke in the Soviet Union that there was a newspaper, Pravda, so called Truth, that there was no 'izvestia' or news in there," Lavrov said. "Truly, I get this impression that many U.S. media are working in this vein."