Are Bots buying/selling trying to get Control of Bitcoin and Etherium?

in #news7 years ago

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It may not be the Jihan/ Fork issues causing the volatility in BC and Eth. Watch the orders, fake walls causing price fluctuations, trying to scare the small players out. Stay calm, buy during dips.


I agree totally, these dips can be optimal times to buy in - especially with the bigger cryptos such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.

It may be hard to buy dips for the every day non trading crypto enthusiasts.

Best advice? Buy regularly, wheather thats weekly, or bi weekly, and it will average out. Buying monthly will be harder to average out being as its less times you buy.

And my other advice? HODL. but who am I? o.o

I read somewhere that Goldman Sachs is entering the Bitcoin world. I am sure they already have but it being public now...anything is possible. Just a hunch.

yea and I think Blyth Master the spawn of demon-derivatives is working hard on some blockchain scheme for JP Morgan, I hope they are all too late to the game or we reject their advances!!

Goldman announced coverage of Bitcoin this past week in response to customer demand.

But Jim Cramer said the reason the European banks were buying BTC was to pay ransom...As the halving happens each four years, they will have less and less opportunity to manipulate the flow. Especially with more and more HODLers.

every once in a while I run across the [in]famous Cramer rant/mental breakdown and can never pass on watching for a laugh. I'm hoping the blockchain will be the final blow to the manipulators, I'm optimistic they are too late to the game!

This is a huge problem in Crypto ... In traditional financial markets you face HUGE fines and often lifetime bans for manipulating price through order spamming (Placing an order with no intention of ever getting it filled), but this behavior goes completely unchecked on the few Crypto exchanges I've traded at.