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RE: What Were The Things Said/Shown/Done That Caused The 'White Lives Matter' Protesters To Be Called White Supremacists In Virginia?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Hi @johncongdon , I'm actually Nathaniel Biddle. :) Also, in school/work, teachers/bosses always ended up calling me 'Biddle' (it must be catchy haha). No close known relation to Nicholas Biddle, the famous Banker, though (although I use his picture to try to embody his presence of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Tenacity, especially financial [although I don't agree with Central Banking]) and by no means from a wealthy family like him. I hope to be wealthy soon though and I hope to be more successful than Nicholas Biddle and in a way that doesn't hurt others! I want the Biddle name to be synonymous with Fairness, Justice, Wealth, and Kindness! :)