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RE: dTube Dystopia: Should Homeless People Pedal Bikes for Energy Credits?

in #news7 years ago

Fun fact. Whatever you planning to do with green energy Germany already did it. Nobody would ever claim that we have not the best engeneers in the world. So we planted our country full with 10,000s windmills from the top to the bottom, heavily subsidiced solar power and even forced citicens by law to place them on their roofs, we subsidiced "bio fuel" and "bio gas" power plants and now guess how much of our coal power plants we were able to shut down after 10 years doing that? Zero ... After the whole country put all its money and energy into it we were able to shut down zero coal power plants and emmit even more CO2 then before. So whats the outcome? Our energy bills more then doubled and our country looks like shit with a windmills everywhere.