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RE: What the Media Won't Tell You About Afghanistan

in #news7 years ago

This is a great video! I've just recently found out that approximately 90% of the world's heroin is produced from the poppy fields in Afghanistan and now it makes sense that the US military will never withdraw their troops from there. I assume that a lot of the legal opiate drugs also comes from there. So the big pharma companies benefit just as much from this war as the CIA and other illegal drug traffickers does. Really eye opening! I look forward to your next video


From my understanding, Eurasia gets the majority of its heroin from Afghanistan, while the US gets its heroin from both Mexico and Afghanistan. Very interesting indeed. Thank you!

Oh okay that makes sense. I also recently started reading about the psychedelic drugs like ayahuasca and iboga (ibogaine) which helps tremendously with addictions like with heroin and that really amazed me. But then again why did I expect that the FDA would legalize a drug that would (help) cure people's heroin addictions haha