Prophecy is a funny thing at times...

On March 20th, 2019, there was an event that happened and it will go down in history as an extremely pivotal moment for humanity. Not only was there a super moon and the vernal equinox, but the Jewish Rabbi's have been stating that their Messiah would come between Purim and the Israeli Elections of 2019/5779 and that the Messiah would be anointed on the 14th of Adar B. This bold prediction was made by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson.
Just take a look at Cardinal Kelly Patrick's post on this topic. She does a great job of giving many of the important details you may have missed. From the Breaking Israel News:
According to Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, a Bible Codes expert, the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar, which begins this year at sundown on Wednesday, March 20, is a particularly auspicious time for Moshiach (Messiah) to be anointed.
In a recent Bible Codes video which has already been viewed more than 10,000 times at press time, Rabbi Glazerson explained that the findings in this table 'are far away from being coincidence.' In the case of this table, it's because the codes include unusually long sentences and other conditions that make 'for a very significant table,' in Rabbi Glazerson's words.
He wasn't the only Rabbi proclaiming the Messiah would come. From this article:
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, made a shocking statement, claiming that the Messiah will precede the upcoming Israeli elections. Several rabbis noted that the writing is on the wall and the signs that the process leading up to the Messiah has already begun…for those who have the eyes to see it.
It doesn't seem the Jewish Rabbi's had any other candidate to anoint during their own prediction, so it seems that there is ONLY ONE true Moshiach that will be ushered in as the King of Kings, and that is Lord RayEl! See it for yourself, Elijah, who has been identified as Bishop Michael Harr, [@mharr311], was to anoint the Messiah, Lord RayEl!



Watch prophecy unfold before your eyes in the video below, and find out more from the links below.
There is no denying this any longer. Israel proclaimed their Moshiach would be here and anointed, and HERE HE IS! It's time to usher in the Messiah and crown him King of Kings. Don't keep your head in the sand or try to ignore this any longer.
#ChristIsBack #HeIsHere #FridayMotivation #Religion #Religious #Gnostic #Abrahamic #Judaism #Moshiach #Messiah #Krishna #EndTimes #Israel #Purim #King #Kingdom #God #Faith #משיחכאן #عيسىعاد #GODcoin #RayEl #Messiah #Purim

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!

Gif Credit
For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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Forever live King Ra-El
Forever live King Ra-El!
Forever live King RayEl.
Forever live King Ra-El!
What a moment in the history of Man!
Forever live King RayEl!
Lord RayEl shall reign forever and ever more!
Absolutely, the best day in human history!
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