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RE: Police Corruption Critical To Catholic Church Pedophilia Epidemic

in #news8 years ago

You are arguing that there aren't that many, and even if there are that many bad apples there are some good apples, and that doesn't mean anything, because SO WHAT that there's a few, or a lot, or what the church should do, the fact is that like leonard cohen says "everybody knows, that's how it goes", and those good guys that are there amongst the bad are doing their bidding:
"Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing."- John Stuart Mill, 2/1/1867
Go ahead and google "ex cop" and see how many of those articles the theme is "the whole force is corrupt, to speak against them is career suicide" and "a lot of cops want to leave but have families"
=good guys doing nothing, and in the case of the church, even if it doesn't impose Iq limits like most police are under, they deal in the oldest deceptive practice: ordained men of god bullshit(can't do wrong).