Tamera Luzzatto and the Luzzatto Family

in #news8 years ago (edited)


Tamera Luzzatto and the Luzzato Family

March 22, 2017 | by Angie Wright 

I found some more information on Tamera Luzzatto and her family members, all from sources freely available on the internet.

Tamera Luzzatto, who also sometimes calls herself Grand Tam, is the lady who appeared to be ‘pimping out’ her 3 step-grandchildren at a pool party in the ‘pedogate’/Podesta emails, and who made a blog page for the newborn 4th and youngest, called ‘Evie’s Crib’ in which she extended an open invite to readers to, ‘for a limited time only’, ‘spend some time with her online, raw and uncut.’

Evie's Crib 
Evelyn  is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right  now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online,  raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will  have the power of life and death over you.    

     Grand Tam and the Luzzattetts!


Please note that Evie's Crib blog is now "open to invited readers only" as you can see here: http://evelynneaville.blogspot.com/

Tamera Luzzatto and Hillary Clinton

Tamera has a very close connection to Hillary Clinton, the former having spent several years as Hillary’s Chief of Staff during her tenure as New York senator. She was also during this time a member of the Clinton ‘coterie’ known as Hillaryland, which dates back to her bid for first lady in Bill’s 1992 campaign, continuing up to Hillary’s own bid for the presidency in 2008. This core group of ‘aides’, comprising 13 women and 1 gay man, inhabited the West Wing of the White House where, "according to Clinton, Hillaryland had its own subculture, based on camaraderie, never leaking information to the press, and having plenty of toys and cookies around for the children of staffers – as Hillary put it, "While the West Wing had a tendency to leak... Hillaryland never did, and every child who ever visited knew exactly where we stashed the cookies.” Hmmm, very cosy.

At times I experience moments of disbelief as I contemplate the horror of what is being revealed about the lives of those who have inhabited the ‘corridors of power’ and whom we have possibly looked up to as national leaders and holders of high office. I feel uncomfortable about delving into the personal relationships of strangers; can this really be true? Surely not. Then I remember Franklin, Dutroux and Savile, as just some of the more internationally prominent and well-documented cases, plus Kincora, Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square in the UK, Hastert and the research of Sibel Edmonds in the US, what is emerging from George Webb’s collated work and I realise, yes, absolutely, these horrors are real, and in the absence of any meaningful official response to date, it really is up to us ordinary Joes and Josephines to attempt to find out this information.

Tamera (nee Stanton) married into the Luzzatto family on her wedding in 1996 to Francis Luzzato, previously divorced from Anne Luzzato, grandmother of the aforementioned children, whose father is her son, Ben Luzzatto. The link to Anthony Luzzato Gardner and his sister Nina Luzzatto Gardner is that their mother Danielle Gardner was the sister of Francis. Source

Their parents, Bruno and Regina came to the US in 1939 (Francis was born in Trieste in 1935) from North Western Italy. The family appears to have connections in the Venice and Trieste regions. So Anthony and Nina are the niece and nephew, blood relatives of the late Francis.

The Luzzatto family is Italian Jewish, said to have come originally from Germany, but resident in Italy since the early 16th century, with some noted Talmudic and rabbinic scholars in the ancestral line, as well as a well-known 20th century writer, Amos. Source 

Some previously researched information on members of the U.S. branch of the family is here with excerpts below: https://steemit.com/luzzatto/@v4vapid/the-luzzattos-people-of-interest-anne-luzzatto-tamera-luzzatto-and-anthony-luzzatto-gardner

Tamera’s husband from 1996 to his death in 1999, Francis Luzzatto worked as, 

"A senior officer in the Center for Democracy and Governance at the Agency for International Development’ (AID). ‘Mr. Luzzatto had worked at AID since 1993, managing information and publications work. Earlier, he was a program designer at Head Start and directed special programs at the Peace Corps. He also worked in the planning office of Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), in the Office of Economic Opportunity." Washington Post

Before joining Hillary’s team, Tamera worked in the office of Senator John D. Rockefeller from 1985 to 1999, rising to the level of chief of staff. "Ms. Luzzatto was his primary adviser on the National Commission on Children" [and] the Pepper Commission on Health Care. 

She obtained her new position as chief of staff to Hillary without interview, having been recommended by none other than John Podesta, chief of staff to Bill at the time. She had known and previously worked with Podesta since, "Fresh from Harvard University in 1979, she worked for Action, a defunct organization that was, in the Carter administration, the umbrella for the Peace Corps, Vista and a handful of related projects."

It was while working at Action where she also met her future husband, Francis Luzzatto, to whom she was married, aged 39, for 3 years until his death in September 1999 from heart disease. Shortly thereafter, in Summer 2000,

“Ms. Luzzatto's husband had been dead for nearly a year and she decided ''to get off whatever ride I was on and finish grieving.'' She traveled, ''did all the crummy things you have to do after your husband dies,'’ Is it just me or does this sounds like quite a short grieving process?

Then in November 2000, days after Hillary was elected to the Senate, she joined the Clinton team. She speaks highly of Hillary:  

"What impresses her about Mrs. Clinton is that ''she knows star power isn't currency in the bank of the Senate.'' She describes the former first lady as a ''workhorse, not a show horse,'' with an ''instinct for organization'' and a talent, like Mr. Rockefeller's, for combining visionary ideas with the humdrum legislative work that makes them happen."

Another comment which sounded odd to me in the context of some of what we are researching, concerning the supportiveness of her Washington colleagues was ‘Three years before her husband's death, he had open-heart surgery. One hundred and twenty of  Ms. Luzzatto's Senate and staff colleagues, Republicans and Democrats, donated 56 pints of blood." NY Times and Politico

Just 12 days after 9/11, and 2 years since the death of Francis, Tam married her current husband, David J. Leiter:

‘Tamera Stanton Luzzatto, the chief of staff to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, and David J. Leiter, who was appointed to an Energy Department post in President Bill Clinton's administration, were married yesterday in New York."

"Mr. Leiter, 46, is the vice president for government relations in Washington for ML Strategies, the government affairs and public relations unit of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky & Popeo, the Boston law firm. He is a former chief of staff to Senator John Kerry, the Massachusetts Democrat, and was from 1998 until this year a deputy assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy. He graduated from Providence College and received a master's degree in public administration from American University." NY Times

A ‘Home and Garden’ article from June 2014 describes the pair as a ‘Washington Power Couple’, citing them as ‘far from’ the ‘Machiavellian’ Underwoods in ‘House of  Cards’.

Leiter was previously chief of staff to John Kerry, and has a comparable political resume to his wife, 

"It all began as a volunteer in Congressman Mo Udall’s 1976 presidential campaign and then a position on President-Elect Jimmy Carter’s Presidential Transition Team. He later served as a senior aide to U.S. Senator Wendell Ford and then campaign manager and chief of staff to Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor Richard Licht, which led to a position on Senator John Kerry’s 1990 reelection campaign and ultimately to chief of staff in Kerry’s Washington Senate office."

The article is obviously at pains to paint the couple as totally honourable, for example:

"According to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley, who has known the couple for many years, “Washington can be a cutthroat place; however both are known as consummate professionals, caring and giving people who go out of their way to help others."

According to Leiter... 

"When asked about the common perception of Washington lobbyists as less than saintly, Leiter replies, “It’s like any other profession; there are those with whom you would trust with your children and there are those who you would not want your children to meet.” Leiter acknowledges, “Washington is clearly a company town, and ambition is its stock-in-trade.” He admits that while the caricature of the proverbial backroom where secret and often questionable deals are made in a culture riddled with self-interest and dishonesty are an exaggeration—Washington is not for the faint of heart. Leiter has differentiated himself by being honorable and forthright."


"Luzzatto shares a similar perspective that while there are people and events that occur in Washington that give it a bad name, there is also much virtue in our nation’s capital that seldom grabs splashy headlines."

We might want to question these opinions in light of Tamara Luzzato’s view of her former boss,

“You learn a lot about a person by how they act when the cameras are not rolling,” Luzzatto says. “Mrs. Clinton, she is as real and wonderful as it gets.” Home & Garden/N-Magazine

Luzzato’s current post is as Senior Vice President at The Pew Charitable Trust, where she "leads government relations" and "ensures that Pew’s wide range of nonpartisan policy work at the state, federal and international levels is effectively and accurately communicated to policy makers." So quite a powerful position then. Pew Trust

The Pew Charitable Trusts were "established between 1948 and 1979 by two sons and two daughters of Sun Oil Company founder Joseph Newton Pew and his wife, Mary Anderson Pew." Pew Trust/History

These days, the organisation is known for its strong support of the 'globalist agenda' and promotion of many left and environmental causes, whilst being deeply embedded in corporate finance. "PCT supports a host of organizations that are passionately anti-corporate and anti-capitalist, while it simultaneously holds many millions of dollars worth of investments in major corporations." The following excerpts are from the very helpful Discover the Networks website:

Pew Charitable Trusts
2005 Market Street - Suite 1700
Philadelphia, PA
    Assets: $438,857,604 (2014)
    Grants Received: $302,131,777 (2014)
    Grants Awarded: $111,594,858 (2014)
The Pew Charitable Trusts (PCT) are comprised of seven individual funds established between 1948 and 1979 by the four children of Joseph N. Pew, founder of the Sun Oil Company, and his wife Mary A. Pew.
In the early 1990s, Sean Treglia, a former program officer with Pew, conceived a strategy whereby a few major leftist foundations would bankroll front groups and so-called “experts” whose aim was to persuade Congress to swallow the fiction that millions of Americans were clamoring for “campaign-finance reform.” Consequently, between 1994 and 2004, some $140 million of foundation cash was used to promote such reform. Nearly 90 percent of this amount derived from just eight foundations: the Pew Charitable Trusts (which contributed $40.1 million to the cause); the Schumann Center for Media and Democracy ($17.6 million); the Carnegie Corporation of New York ($14.1 million); the Joyce Foundation ($13.5 million); the Open Society Institute ($12.6 million); the Jerome Kohlberg Trust ($11.3 million); the Ford Foundation ($8.8 million); and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($5.2 million).
Among the major recipients of these funds were such pro-reform organizations as the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause, Democracy 21, and Public Citizen. Discover the Networks 
Additional Grantees of the Pew Charitable Trusts:
Action AIDS
AIDS Law Project
Alliance For Better Campaigns
Center for Biological Diversity
Center For Public Integrity
Center For Responsive Politics
Center for Rural Affairs
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Center for Science in Public Participation
Conservation Law Foundation
Consumers Union
Criminal Justice Reform Education Fund
Global Trade Watch
Homeless Advocacy Project
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
Juvenile Law Center
Liberty Resources
National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
National Environmental Trust
National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Population Action International
Public Campaign
Western Environmental Law Center
Worldwatch Institute
Source: Discover the Networks

In a further instalment, I hope to cover more detail on three other members of this family:

Anne Luzzatto, divorced first wife of Francis, member of the Commission on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the National Security Council.

"Ms. Luzzatto served as Obama-Biden Transition Team review lead for the National Endowment for the Arts. She has also served as Vice President for Meetings, Council on Foreign Relations. During the administration of President Clinton she served as Special Assistant to the President and White House Deputy Press Secretary and Assistant US Trade Representative for Public Affairs." Source 

Anthony Luzzatto Gardner, nephew to Francis Luzzatto, US ambassador to the EU, member of CFR and National Security Council, former (?) director ICMEC, member of ‘Le Cercle de Lorraine’ a Belgian ‘business’ organisation, members of which have been named and implicated in sadistic child abuse in connection with the ‘Dutroux scandal’. Source @v4vapid 

Nina Luzzatto Gardner, sister to Anthony, DC lawyer, member of CFR, founder and director of Strategy International,

“…a consulting firm she founded specializing in Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability and climate change. She typically works with both the CSR and Investor Relations departments of companies on global sustainability issues, creating public-private partnerships (such as the Barefoot college project with Enel Green Power), improving internal ESG metrics, engagement with the UN Global Compact, and on company outreach toward the Sustainable and Responsible Investor community.

“A lawyer by training, with a past both in corporate law, working in the Balkans for the UN, and as a consultant to the OECD, Nina is an adjunct professor at the Washington College of Law at American University and at Johns Hopkins SAIS in Washington DC teaching a course on “CSR, Business and Human Rights”.  She is a frequent moderator on issues relating to CSR, energy, water, climate change, women’s entrepreneurship, and responsible investing.

“Ms. Gardner is the founding president of three professional women’s associations in Europe (Prague, Paris, Rome) and has been on the advisory board of the Women’s Forum for the Economy in Society since its inception in 1994. She is a graduate of Harvard-Radcliffe (and currently on the advisory board of the Harvard Coalition for Responsible Investment), Columbia Law School and was a Rotary scholar at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotà, Colombia. Ms. Gardner is fluent in French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, is a member of the New York Bar and the Council on Foreign Relations.” Cornerstone Capital Group

Posted: March 22, 2017


I wouldn't be surprised if she's associated with the Maccoby's as well. I believe that they will prove to be "missing link" in the pedogate investigation.

The Luzzattos are disgusting. Nice background check on em! I found a few bits that were new to me.

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This is an excellent article!! Sorry I missed it last year...

Excellent research, thanks. Rockefellers Chief of Staff, hand picked by Podesta to be Hillary's Chief of Staff, married to John Forbes Kerry skull and bones chief of staff.

This brilliant movie casts the Pew Trusts in a pretty nasty light, they stole $20 billion of art