Hats Off To The Jewish Supremacists

in #news6 years ago (edited)


The Jewish Supremacists’ mantra appears to be: If you control all means of communication, then you can make the Gentile believe anything. Currently, elite Jews completely control how information is transmitted from one person to the next globally, either through news media, social media, search engines etc. The only exceptions are China and North Korea(Russia and a few other countries, there’s only partial Jewish control of means of communication).

In Russia, the Jewish Supremacists’ control of information transmission is only partial - I would put it at between 20%-50%. Hence the Jewish Supremacists’ bitterness with Russian leaders. In the rest of the world, the Jewish Supremacist is in complete control of what we see and read online, what we see and hear on tv, radio etc.

The committee of Jewish Elders, or whatever they call themselves, have used underhand tactics to attain the power to decide, among the trillions of documents in cyber space, what can be seen and read, and what will remain hidden from the Goyim.

Consequently, the Jewish Supremacists have been able to manipulate public opinion to suit their interests. And those elite Jewish interests are the exact opposite of Gentiles’ interests.

The following examples emphasize this point.


Up until a few weeks ago, I didn’t know ISIS actually shared a border with Israel. Israeli senior officials are on record stating that they were always ready to act against their enemies wherever they maybe.

Using that logic, they have attacked their alleged enemies in Syria, overflying ISIS controlled territory, to bomb the Syrian Government army fighting the terrorists. They never attacked ISIS. Therefore, ISIS are their friends.

But most Goyim wouldn’t know that because the msm never wrote or talked about this ‘mutual respect’ between Israel and ISIS, the search engines blocked sites that wrote about it, and social media shadow banned people who shared that information.

Jewish Supremacists are having their utopia right here and now: You commit terrorism, and ban people from talking about it. And nobody can do anything about it, because their Quarterback has their backs.

D.R. Congo

Before 6 August 2018(the last day for presidential candidates to register for elections), Jewish-led media hailed the forthcoming elections as the ‘first ever peaceful transfer of power in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’. After that date, I have not found any Jewish-owned media writing anything positive about the elections.

What happened? Their kin Moise Katumbi, was barred from registering. That is what happened. And that is a project the Jewish Supremacists have worked so hard for, for the last 10 years or more. That is the reason Mr Herman J. Cohen was positioned as the no. 1 authority on the Congo on Twitter.

Same reason there has been so many bots on Twitter pushing the proposal that the US ‘should engage more with DRC because of the minerals’ - in the midst of an election. Very suspicious.

DRC President Joseph Kabila has done one very positive thing for his country by barring Mr Katumbi from contesting. Not because Katumbi is the worst Congolese, but because his presidency would lead to direct colonization of the Congo by Jewish Supremacists. Also, if he was running, the election wouldn’t be free and fair because of the Jewish control of information flow, and their support for him.

Jewish World Watch(JWW)human rights’ campaigners are already on the ground in the DRC. The fact that JWW did not call out Israel for working with ISIS as the latter slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians makes them very suspect.

At first, it appeared like the Jewish Supremacists’ determination to colonize DRC was driven chiefly by the US$24 Trillion+ in mineral wealth. But the extent the elite Jew has gone to make their plan a reality proves they have much more ambitious reasons, most likely:

DRC’s infrastructure is very poor even by African standards. The country is vast, with low population density in many regions - the perfect place for the Jewish Supremacists to build massive bunkers for their elite undetected. Good place to build and hide as many nuclear weapons as they want.

They wouldn’t have to worry about their activities being detected by satellite, the same way they did not have to worry about arming and financing ISIS. They would then instigate a nuclear war between the superpowers, and then aim their nuclear weapons at the victor - finally achieving the Jewish Utopia that would last forever.

But this would only be possible with their kin in power in DRC.

More than 90% of the information the Congolese receive is controlled by Jewish Supremacists - Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Jewish-funded ‘Congolese’ media etc. Therefore, if Congo burns during this transition period, then the Jewish Supremacists should be held responsible. If they don’t want to be held accountable, then they should unrig their rigged algorithms in social media and search engines.


A few years ago, a right-wing politician was asked why she did not like Muslims living in her country. Among other things, She said that they had a very different culture, like eating halal food. When she was asked why she did not also complain about Jews, who also ate different food, kosher, she replied: “But Jews believe in Jesus Christ.”

She was called ignorant. But I did not think she was ignorant, because not too long ago, I also believed Jews were just like Christians, and celebrated Christmas too. Even today, there are many Christian preachers who insist Christians and Jews are one - The Judeo-Christians.

This is the result of Jewish Supremacists’ complete control of channels of communication.

Fact: Elite Jews worship Satan. Their religion encourages them, nay, demands of them, to do evil things to the Gentile. According to their religion, the Goyim is on earth to be a slave of the Jew. Therefore, a Jew raping a Gentile does not have any guilty conscience, since you can do anything you want with a slave.

Judaism tells its followers that swindling Gentiles is a good deed. No other major religion in the world encourages people to do evil. Therefore, all other major religions are closer to Christianity than Judaism is. Indeed, Judaism is anti-Christian. Yet, the religion that is the complete opposite of Christianity is globally recognized as being the closest.

This must be the greatest con-trick of all time.

I call it the greatest con-trick because, if it was known by the general public that Jewish Supremacists worship Satan, they would not have been allowed to have a monopoly on the entities they use to promote the destruction of the Goyim. Yet, these enterprises - banks, media, BigTech companies etc - have not only allowed them to have unlimited power over the Gentile, they have also made them insanely rich, enriched by the very people they are destroying.