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RE: The Dark Truth About the Minimum Wage

in #news8 years ago

OK, so why don't we have a maximum wage policy? That would solve the inflation problem, and everybody would be happy paying their much reduced bills. Nonsense. We all know that to earn more you have to upskill. Nobody gets a job at McDonalds expecting it to be their job for life. You do that in high school for spending money, and then graduate from university to get a "real job". And that real job doesn't have a minimum wage. It pays you for your ability to do a more complex or more difficult job. Likewise, you get paid danger money if you work an oil rig or fight fires, because not everybody wants or is able to do that kind of work. Minimum wage is just a way for the government to milk more tax from low wage workers, and put pressure on small business owners to force them out of business so the global corporations can take over and monopolize the job market. Those corporations have economies of scale so can afford to pay the minimum wages that government dictates, and can also use tax strategies to write off the extra costs. Big government and big business have their hands in each others pockets because that is the new world fascist order that we are moving towards. Small town America has been replaced by Walmarts and mega malls which are then closed down in depressed areas when the local economy can no longer support them. Only obsessive money printing is keeping the economy alive in this final downwards spiral to a total debt collapse. That in turn leads to global war as the banksters engineer total control of global resources and war profiteering from the military industrial complex along the road to global citizen enslavement in the New World Order. All those empty Walmarts will come in handy as FEMA camps when the masses revolt against the economic collapse after the social security checks stop coming...