If we had a Media with people as you we would live in a better World! This make people scared (the Media, not you) for nuke war.
I was told by a very Trustworthy source that "North Korea" is Iran, and in that context it actually makes more sense.
DPRK was on the Hit List after 9-11 but the Country must be easy to take over.. (I think)
An attack as they did at the Philipiness would be..logic I supposed.
But, once again, I love your videos and brave to try on DPRK and you doing it good again!
I have one question left in my head after watch this. I have hard to understand the currency thing and the speaks from everywhere about a One World Currency - could that be when the US Petro Dollar collapse?
(maybe a stupid question I dont know)
Peace and Thanks for North Korean, Russian and Unicorn Propaganda :P
Creepy people, Salutes John McCain and call him "The Morgon Star" i think that is nick for LuciferCheck #IRGC out sometimes on Twitter, there they are, the NeoCon/Zionist undercover .. want war and almost look like the already got the US Congress OK for NEXT war..