It's been long an established fact that Israel supports the terrorists in Syria, we've even documented Israel's sponsors in NATO arming, training, and financing these terrorists, furthermore, they offer them protection like the ones operating from the Syrian Al Tanf region, Israeli former Prime Minister visited wounded terrorists in Israeli hospitals treated with state of the art medical equipment only wealthy Europeans and USAians can afford then sending them back to fight against the Syrian people.
For pictures, videos, sound recordings, and documents showing people western people voted into power supporting Al Qaeda and its ISIS offshoot in Syria refer to the link at the end of this post.
Yesterday and the early hours of today (7 March) there were two criminal attacks, the first one was carried by ISIS terrorists mostly likely coming from the Al Tanf area in the Syrian desert attacking a bus carrying Syrian army troops heading home. The attack resulted in killing 13 soldiers and officers and injuring 18 others.
This was followed at 5 am, Damascus local time by an Israeli raid with missiles from over the Lebanese capital Beirut against a factory in the northeast of the Syrian capital killing two people and destroying the area.
Of course, and like all other Israeli war crimes, these are not worthy of the headlines and massive bombardment of the public opinion by the mainstream media which is flooding the world with their crocodile tears on the Ukrainian people right now, as you know and as some western reporters already stated on their mediums: 'the Ukrainian people are like them, white with blue eyes, not like the ones coming from countries like Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan'...!
More on these two war crimes by NATO and co and the links promised in the second paragraph above in this report: Israel and ISIS Target the Syrian People, Army Murder 15 Injure 18 Others.
Your objective comments are always welcome.
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I don't think any sane person with at least two functioning brain cells still thinks that ISIS and Al Qaeda are not the US and Israel's proxies.
@adm care to explain why you're downvoting my comments?