Wow, okay... So... I've been trying to avoid posting negative/stressful news/info for a couple of days as some of you might have noticed... And I've seen a lot of very "negative/stressful" or concerning things I wanted to share, though, I restrained myself and waited... Until now.
This one kind of took things to another level in certain ways.
I couldn't find anything about this on Google, not aware of any news sites reporting this and only found a few other mirrored videos on YouTube with a few hundred views each and no more than a couple days old... Does anyone out there on social media know more info about this...?
Regardless of what side you may fall on in regard to this issue, I think it's important to talk about either way and... I think this discussion has just sort of been more forced by a man in a hospital and a medical team who acted sort of like police enforcers and got physically violent.
There isn't really a lot of context to the video and our information about this is very limited... I'm going to explain what I saw in the video real quick from my personal perspective, and I suggest you watch it yourself and come to your own conclusions.
In the video there's a guy in a hospital somewhere it looks like with numerous medical staff in the room trying to talk to him, but, also sort of blocking the door... The "patient" I'll refer to him as, seems a bit umm "out of it". Numerous times I think he says he's not on drugs as I'm guessing the medical people asked that because of his behavior?
The patient keeps repeating himself and making some dramatic sort of claims about things like the revolution starting because of this and even telling the people who are watching the video to "bring guns"... However, this was all after it appears that they tried to forcefully inject him with something?
Is there even a vaccine for the Covid-19 virus out yet? I don't think there is... Like... What are they trying to inject him with?
He keeps saying that he doesn't give his consent or permission to be injected.
He claims he just went in because he was feeling a bit sick and had a cough, but, didn't want to get injected and then...
Eventually after a long drawn out exchange which didn't seem to progress much beyond "let us inject you" and "no".
Eventually it gets violent and the camera is knocked so we can't see, but he continues to scream and... It's disturbing.
He speaks a different language at some parts and appears to show some knowledge of the occult and underground info.
Medical peoples say they don't think he has the capacity to make medical decisions? And force him to the point of him screaming? He seems very intelligent to me despite being a bit "out of it" and repeating himself and saying some provocative things.
One of the medical individuals says they are scared he is going to leave and infect others, but, based on the conversation they don't even know if he has it or not as he hasn't been tested yet?
I really doubt this is fake, or like some kind of actor skit to "punk"/"trick" people... I highly doubt it.
I suppose it could possibly be like a psy-op or something... Though, I kinda think it's real.
He keeps saying things like "Shit's going to change today"... "Start a revolution"...
Time will tell if anything broader happens because of this, though, I know a LOT of people who want nothing to do with a forceful injection.
If this becomes... Some kind of mandated policy by politicians to forcefully vaccinate or inject people, things could get much more ugly much more quick... Let's hope this was a weird isolated incident and not indicative of some kind of new norm.
Legislation in this the direction of this kind of policy I think could very likely lead to a civil war...
In final, I just wanna say that... I may not agree with a lot of what the "patient" says, however... I do agree with some of it and I think it's wrong to force people in such ways.
I believe in freedom, especially when it comes to what myself and others put into our own bodies and I have good reason to be suspicious of untested chemicals, metals, viruses and other mysterious things potentially being injected into myself or others.
Hi there! It s good to see you posting, I wasn’t sure you’d still be active on here... You know what is one thing that has been bothering me since all this CovID thing started? The wording.
In the news they keep saying something like “He/she died after testing positive for CovID”.
Why they never say it like this -
“He/she died because of covid”
“...after being sick with coronavirus”
“...because of the virus”
They always say “after testing positive”
Maybe I am being paranoid, but the wording just gets me nervous
As if they were trying to covertly say that the testing process itself somehow causes deaths of some people!
Hey! It's good to see you as well. :) I hadn't seen you for a while before the Hive thing and was wondering if you were still around.
That is interesting what you mentioned in regard to the wording. I don't really watch or listen to the news much anymore outside of reporting on certain events and I have to some degree noticed what you're talking about, though, I hadn't really thought about it like that before.
I am very very suspicious of the testing kits, especially after some of them were found to be contaminated with the Covid-19 virus itself.
I want to learn more about those kits and how they work and everything cause I'm very curious about that aspect of all this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! That does seem kind of strange the more I think about it.
Medical crew should have backed off to evaluate the situation (video with statement would have been recorded), the crew were unconsciously in the dilemma of the invisible virus, "now you're here.." "you can't get out for sure... right ?" not quoting.
Camera knocked off by staff on purpose.
He remains calm until the end of the video, it seems he says "mental health awareness" as the phone gets knocked, maybe he suffers from PTSD or some other problem (cleary not imparing), he was in jail.
"Stop chocking me" that's a quote.
NO - keyword here
Revolution is underway, world is going to change brother. #IDONOTCONSENT
You've made some good observations there. I agree. The guy was asking for a lawyer, he wasn't trying to escape. Why is it so unreasonable that they couldn't wait longer to try to defuse the situation or get him a lawyer?
Seemed like they could have found a solution that didn't involve violence, and they chose violence.
I'm not totally sure what you mean by revolution being underway, though, hopefully we can evolve instead of revolve. I'm hopeful and pessimistic at the same time.
Medical staff committed a clear act of assault. Charges should be brought.
Agreed. I hope he gets a lawsuit out of it. Though, when things are so corrupt and getting worse on a regular basis, I have to wonder if he will have any recourse. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the one charged with some kind of crime... smh
The video is pretty crazy. Its so hard to know whats going on without any context, like you said as well. If it's a real situation then its pretty disturbing. I have a hard time trusting that any video in the internet is real though lol. We live in an age where everyone wants to be a youtube superstar and a work from home social medi influencer. Because of that, there are so many fake over hyped videos its hard to trust anything nowadays. It is a crazy video though and if its real then its pretty fucked up.
this man is so selfish... he clearly was coughing and was likely infected and he is bitching about quarantine? putting people at risk like that? he does know that he might kill people if he goes out. going out now is almost like attempted murder.
He clearly said that he wants to be quarantined being forced to have an injection was the issue or did I mis hear?
You expect people who are sick to just stay inside till they die? Don't think they should go to the hospital to get checked on? I think that when you use language like that that you are really adding to the paranoia and fear. Saying that if people who are sick go outside it's almost like attempted murder? I just can't agree. I respect your opinion, but, I disagree.
from what i saw in the video, he was in hospital and cared for. I havent left the house either for 3 weeks except for going to the grocery store. I do my part as a citizen of this planet to stop the virus from killing off all the elderly people. why cant he? If you saw a guy mistreating elderly, would you respect your elderly by just walking away and ignoring it? these doctors are heroes. and judging from how infectious the ccp corona virus is, it will take everyone's effort to minimize the deaths. even trump acknowledged already that the best scenario (due to USA's lack of response) in USA will likely be 100 000 deaths....
I think the issue he was arguing about and resisting was NOT quarantine... He didn’t want to get injected by whatever (they didn’t even tell him what they were trying to inject?) against his will.
I have heard of covid patients who refused ventilators, and doctors had to listen to them even if those people died later on. Then why in this case some kind of “treatment” in the form of an injection is being forced?
That is, if the video is real in the first place
he did look pretty threatening and not in control of things... probably injected a muscle relaxener... they deffo didnt inject any meds since there are no meds... so it was probably injected into him to protect staff and other patients...
Yes, that could be... I honestly hope that there is no conspiracy or some really bad stuff behind all this. And I would be intimidated by that guy too, but at the same time I don’t want to judge his character based on tattoos or the way he talks... I’ve known intimidating looking guys including those who were in jail who wouldn’t hurt a fly... And i would be even more intimidated if I was surrounded by a bunch of medical workers in a hospital setting who can potentially ruin my life by putting me on psycho meds or legally confining somewhere because “I don’t have the capacity to make decisions”
I wish we could find out more about the context of this video or this person and who he is though
Otherwise it just could be anything
No one should be forced to take anything 😠
If real , bad idiots are working as medical staff . If not real , nice remake of a 12 monkeys scene .
I when in hospital will refuse any injection that isn't explained to me in great detail . Daily shots agains trombose that every paitient gets for laying down al day , i try to refuse them .. Lucky for me the medical staff i encountered did never got violence on me . A nice nurse just took time to talk to me , explain why and how , in the end injecting the goo with disarming smile and big thank you .
When i was 6 years old it took 4 adults to extract some blood from me . I have seen many scary things as i was a sick and lots of times hospitalaised kid .
Needles still scare the crap out of me .
Forced violent injections are never an option . It's the opposit of nursing .
Check out #filmyourhospital its new but going viral..