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RE: The VPN Illusion

in #news7 years ago

I may be a victim of disinformation, it's difficult not to be, but I did read somewhere, sometime back, that the TOR was also a CIA operation. Would be natural for them to want to start something like the TOR. So I don't know about the TOR or any other one of these. A crying shame.

Also read that all the processing units sold in the USA had back doors built into the architecture, so that it does not matter what you do in the USA, they can get into your pc. This I picked up from some video on you tube in relation to wikileaks. I'm sorry I cant remember exactly the sources. I wonder if buying a computer in Mexico or Russia would solve the problem. Would be wise to do if possible, and not to buy in the US if you live here.

I don't want to spread useless fear, just reasonable caution.


Well, the internet was in-part created by DARPA. Which is why, when online, you have to assume you're being watched or can be watched. Things like Tor are open-source tools, so you must first know how to use them. The goal is not really to hide, It's to be apart of the herd. What tor does is make everyone look like the same sheep in that herd. It doesn't mean you can't be spotted out from the herd. Anyone can see tor connections and or where they might go but, seeing what the data is is difficult. This is why things like Bitcoin are here to stay because it works on everyone agreeing to not trust each other. The assumption within the blockchain is to trust no one. This is another attribute of decentralization. I hope my weird allegory didn't confuse you more. The CIA have very good weapons, but they don't have good hackers. All the CIA can do is hire hackers, but that is another subject.

Yes, this is true with Intel. You must see the threat to do something about it. There are people to this day that swear Windows doesn't spy on them. They even go as far to defend Windows and get physically angry when that reality is brought up. It's only because they haven't seen the threat. But, now that we have leaks, we see everything. And people enter the 5 steps of grief at their own pace.

Thanks for the reply! (: