Know Who Your Enemies Are: The Khazarian Mafia And Its Doings, Past And Present.

in #news8 years ago (edited)

A wonderful piece just came out on the Veterans Today website. It is as beautiful for its conciseness as it is horrid for the truths that it reports regarding what is arguably the most evil mafia that has ever existed.

The Khazarian mafia it reveals appears as the amalgamation of all the monsters of all the horror movies I've ever seen, but perhaps its most pernicious resemblance is to that of the "Body Snatchers" (1993). The Khazarians form a closed Satanic sect whose members nonchalantly murder individuals and whole groups of people and even nations, then assume the place their victims held in society and the world, to better kill again. Their victims become their zombies and puppets.

Their ultimate goal? World domination and the absolute possession of all its wealth.

This mafia's malice is such as to defy the credulity of normal human beings endowed with a modicum of conscience. The abysmal wickedness embodied in these Khazarian entities is perhaps their best disguise: a normal human being with a soul and conscience has trouble believing that anyone could be so evil. That was my stumbling block for a long time. But the force of reliable information has compelled me to believe that such monstrosities really walk upon this planet.

Nowhere has the Khazarian mafia played the "body snatcher" more effectively than in its infiltration, colonization, subversion and eventual commandeering of Jewry. The author mentions it only indirectly and in passing, but I would like to note here that the Jews themselves are the foremost victims of the Khazarians. Their identity and religion has been stolen from them, and now, behind the facade of "the Religion of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob", coils the Khazarian snake, the new masters, who hiss, "Anti-Semite!", every time their doings are exposed. Thus they conceal their fangs behind the corpse of their victims, and Judaism is slandered and maligned, adding insult to injury.

But the Jews are not the only people who have suffered this body-snatching. The author points out that the Khazarians go by many other names: Zionists, Maoists, Bolsheviks, and others still. Many of these titles were "acquired" through this methodology of deceiving so as to kill, and killing so as to deceive. Sometimes the killing is only ideological, often it is physical, and quite bloody.

The author offers a great service in furnishing us with this short and readable article (10 minutes' reading or less). Anyone not familiar owes it to him or herself to be informed about this mafia that is literally trying to murder the rest of the human race: no exaggeration.

It is fundamental to know who the enemy is. It's not Trump, or the Republicans or the Democrats, though these may be tools of the Khazarians. To hate their tools is to fall for their deception, to be distracted from the target.

Know who are the real puppet masters that run the world by deception. Focus on them. Expose them. Send this article to family and friends:

"Neocons" as in "Neo-conservatives" is another usurpation of a title so as to deceive. These Khazarians are not conservatives but Babylonian Talmudists playing at their old game. This next piece talks about bringing the so called "neocons" before a war tribunal (five-minute read). It makes for a suitable sequel to the first piece:

Here is another curious piece: "Zionism" (another name for Babylonian Talmudism) is incompatible with normal morality, coming from the mouth of a "devout" Zionist judge, who perhaps unwittingly confirms the amorality of her ideology: