Tiny CleanEnergy Startup Impact Socent in 3rd World Deplatformed by Crunchbase.
#AlphaOmegaEnergy has been removed from Crunchbase with zero explanation in weeks of emails and no response from their bot service chat. We asked them on Twitter and asked their investors why also, two VC firms, and no response yet either. Not one like nor retweet to our posts on the subject either as we are throttled back by Twitter nearly 100%. We will update IF we ever even hear back from any of them. We will be calling tonight to see if we can get any kind of response from Crunchbase after many emails and zero service in what is becoming an absolutely dystopian echo chamber of zero service culture in silicon valley.
To Support CleanEnergy innovators, environment, development, social enterprise and Impact for sustainability in the third world, support us everywhere you can.
AlphaOmegaEnergy (aoecoin) the World's #1 Breakthrough CleanEnergy Startup is going on the Blockchain this year with 2,922 new techs.
- We are doing a Seedround on Blockchain
- Paying 300% Fixed Return Minimum to our Investors as a debt note.
- Pre-sales are open now DM to invest.
- We will be building power plants with our world leading technology, as an asset backed Blockchain. We are mining with the power we make, and building an electric plane and several scalable social enterprise divisions as well.
- We are securing the Seedround chain also with 100% collateral in shares of the company and a debt note. We have every receipt practically in triplicate.
- Make a Big Return helping us CHARGE IT ALL! And Change The World!!
- We will Comment your post, follow, and or up vote every time you support one of our posts or make positive comments! All promoters send me your win-win services & solutions! Please Follow us!
Follow us on:
Telegram = @alphaomegaenergy
Telegram channel = https://t.me/AOECOINCHANNEL
Telegram chat = https://t.me/AOECOIN
Steemit = @aoecoin
Dtube = @aoecoin
Medium = https://medium.com/@aomegaenergy
Twitter = @aoecoincrypto
Minds = https://www.minds.com/alphaomegaenergy
Gab = https://gab.com/AlphaOmegaEnergy
Vimeo = https://vimeo.com/alphaomegaenergy
Wedonthavetime = https://app.wedonthavetime.org/profile/AlphaOmegaEnergy
Tumblr = https://www.tumblr.com/blog/alphaomegaenergy
Parler = @alphaomegaenergy
Reddit = https://www.reddit.com/user/AOECOIN
Bitchute = https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/alphaomegaenergy/
Busy = https://busy.org/@aoecoin
Website = aoecoin.io
Original Website = aomegaenergy.com
Financial Platform Website = ficleanergy.com (95% complete)
#blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #globalheating #sustainability #sustainabledevelopment #SDG #SDG7 #impact #impactinvesting #socent #socialenterprise #impinv #cleanenergy #venturecapital #VC #dtube #steemit #news #technology #nature #ecotrain #bitchute #bravebrowser #eth #ethereum #tron #cardano #christian #Jesus #Christianity #ChristianLiving #UNCC #UN #WEF #Greenpeace #UNDP
We contacted crunchbase via emails 6x and also via their bot on their website and no response. They have not provided us with any information whatsoever as to our status. We are a tiny startup in the undeveloped world and perhaps this is their issue, we have no idea. But given the massive deplatforming effort globally by silicon valley this should be of no surprise to anyone. perhaps its a glitch as crunchbase is a very glitchy platform but who knows. We are annoyed the massive delays so approaching it as a deplatforming. Who knows, maybe some will find it an interesting story and support us. We reached out to other platforms now and the investors of Crunchbase and now have a VC to talk to and a pitch to do :D Thanks crunchbase! Your deplatforming helped us a lot more than you ever did already!
No question that "the system" has no interest in allowing energy alternatives to have a voice. But engaging with teh audience differently might be another strategy to give some thought to.
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