A couple of hours ago Elon Musk announced who SpaceX's first commercial client that will fly around the Moon will be. His name is Yusaku Maezawa and he's some Japanese billionaire dude, who last year was made famous by buying a painting for $110.5 million.
Elon or Maezawa didn't mention how much money was spent on this deal, but they did mention that along Maezawa another 6-8 artists will be chosen to go along (for free) on the mission. Launch date is expected for 2023.
For more details about all of this check out: https://dearmoon.earth/
What artists would you like to see chosen for this project? Who is so "out-there" that he or she will be able to create something mind blowing after having the experience of flying around the Moon?
Hmmm... interesting question. A graffiti artist to cover the moon with graffiti
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Nice, but they won't land on it. For this mission they'll "only" fly around it once or maybe twice.
Maybe they could send some Tesla robots to paint
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