Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan said that people are confused with the words of BNP leaders. BNP is saying that the election will come, sometimes it will not come. If BNP wants to do politics, if they believe in democracy, then they will have to come to the polls. Without the participation in the elections, the alternative path BNP is not in front.
Shajahan Khan said these things while interacting with local leaders and workers at his residence in Madaripur on Friday morning.
The Minister said that BNP will have to make the mistake if the BNP did not come to the polls in 2014, it is the matter of BNP. But if they make mistakes again and again their existence will disappear.
Shajahan Khan said that no party will come in the next election, and no party will come, it will depend on the respective parties. This responsibility is not the current government.
Madaripur Deputy Commissioner was present during the exchange. Wahidul Islam, Additional Deputy Commissioner Syed Faruque Ahmed, Additional Superintendent of Police Sumon Kumar Dev, and local leaders and workers of the party.
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