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RE: All Syria Needed was its Allies Supporting it Not Supporting its Enemies

in #news3 months ago

Syria would've never faced any invasion had the Russians delivered the S300 we bought in 2010, and had we not handed over the chemical weapons arsenal under the pressure of the Russians who promised to include Syria with the S400 shield, or maybe the S400 was not as capable as advertised and the Russians didn't want it to be exposed.

Also, Syria would've never faced the invasion of tens of thousands of terrorists and prolonged the 'war of terror' against it had not every country dumped its terrorists in Syria to get rid of them, especially Syria's allies and friends.

Corruption and injustice are in every country, and Syria had the least of them up until 2008 when Nobel Peace Laureate Obama assigned Al Qaeda to destroy our country through terrorism and regime change plots, and his regime imposed further sanctions against us and our 'allies' failed to help us despite our decades of helping them, and namely Russia and Iran.