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Tuesday April 17, 2018, 12:17 pm
Babat Ambrol Bridge, 3 Trucks and 1 Motor Falls to Bengawan Solo
Fatichatun Nadhiroh - detikNews
The bridge bridge between Babat, Lamongan and Tuban crashed. (Photo: Eko Sudjarwo)
Lamongan - The national bridge connects the ambrolings. Allegedly there are 3 trucks and 1 motorcycle that plunged into the River Solo.
"From the location shown there are three trucks and one motorcycle into the river," said Satlantas Polsek Babat member Bripka Purnomo to detikcom when contacted on Tuesday (17/4/2018).
In the meantime, he explained, it only knows 3 dump trucks and 1 motorcycle. "The rest we do not know how many," he explained.
The police, he explained, the bridge is a long bridge crossed from the direction Lamongan towards Widang, Tuban. Now, only a new bridge from the direction of Widang to Babat that can be crossed vehicles.
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