I believe the main point is, that this problem is not being addressed correctly. You have insane people who are willing to kill school kids, so banning guns would not lead to a decrease of the number of insane people, who would simply use different tactics. If we don't take care of the mental problems those people face, we will just subsequently ban everything. Look at the UK: over the last few years, they had thousands of acid attacks and now they want to regulate basic household goods, because of a relatively small amount of potential perpetrators.
And when it comes to guns: Cyprus, Uruguay, Norway, Canada, Austria, Iceland, Switzerland and Finland all have an estimated 30 to 40 guns per 100 residents, but we almost never hear of any major incidents in those countries, even though some of them don't make it hard to obtain a gun license.
If insane people are the problem - then we need an effective solution to deal with them.
To date we have not had an effective solution - now is the time for action to make sure we do.
Civil liberties will make that very difficult.
Yes, indeed. It will probably take generations to properly deal with this.