
Woah lol

That's insane, just seen that.

Where do I get to see it? 🤔
I saw it at one point but my wallet still says 1,719 LBC not over a million!

first thing i can see is that it now says 176.51 LBC • 626 views, I distinctly remember seeing 1M LBC last night because i burned with envy, its weird because I remember the envy hitting me hard when I realized it was 1 Million

I saw it too!! Dang that's quite the glitch :/

i am wondering if may it is a security feature.

For example, a high profile video that is being shadow banned might get temporary Claims from LBRY to make sure it isnt hijacked on the network. I admit i am amateur with knowledge on the Claims individually on LBRY it cant be that different than other blockchains.

lol i am so jealous of this I will help you find it on a block explorer in hopes of good karma that I may receive 1 million LBRY one day!

You need to cash in the tip they gave on the video. This will make the video less popular but you will have the money on your pocket. However, you can leave it there as a tip indefinitely for making the video popular, and no one can retrieve the tip besides you (afaik)

Yeah it's pretty cool, I think I'll let it ride :)

no it didn't, at least I don't know how to access that if it did lol sure would like to though if that's true!