
Huh, I wonder how I haven't heard of this before, just asked and apparently Elysium was shut down awhile ago and it was only open for a short while.

Of course the crazies in the comments say they bet it's a muslim thing, a priest thing, a whatever thing.
Goddamn they've lost their mind.Anyhow, as typical #pizzagate people and the #BiasedMedia lie about the story.

A child porn site isn't a ring. It's a forum.
Nobody trades or shares children. Nobody sells things. Nobody knows each other. People just gather on their and link to child-porn videos to allow others to download them for free.
That's it.
That's not a fucking ring. It's not organized. There's no product being sold or organized. There's nothing of the like. By definition it is not a ring.

It's kinda cute how they act like 87,000 is a lot when late last year there was one that included about a million if I remember correctly.
They also act like it's major, when apparently it was just a tiny one that wasn't even around for long, while there's still a couple behemoth sites that have been online for well over a year or two and are probably another 1million+ users.
I guess everyone but me has to toot their horn over a tiny victory like this, when really it means nothing other than a few dumbasses getting arrested and a few administrators. It'd be nice if they found some of the kids from it, but knowing how they catch such people, they won't, and that's the only thing I'd consider a win.
These sites will never go away.