
شكرا اخويا على هذا الاخبار داينما منور واخا صورة كحل وبيض

مشكور اخي على تعليقك. الصورة فقط للإعلان عن الاخبار

انت مجتهد و الواجب علينا ان ندعمك ولو بتعليق مسيرة موفقة

المجتهد ديال الكوسالا

Good for bitcoin and also Cryptocurrency. Thanks KFC Canada. Nice post.

good information . Thanks for sharing bitcoin news.

Thanks for the update news, great post

Good news for crypto.
Thanks for sharing.
Up-voted and Resteemed.
Cheers!Dear @achim86

wow its so awesome to read that kfc in canda they give this bucket and specially only in btc not in cndian currency
and also i m amaized about iota that the iota mining completed but the iota price dont rise up and still under 4$ @achim

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