YouTube: Plotting a Coup Against our Nation - Naming Names (Please ReSteem)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

We are at the precipice of a second Civil War, or perhaps a second American Revolution. The surveillance abuses conducted by members of the Obama regime, involving Obama himself, cannot be covered-up any longer.

A four-page investigative summary written by the U.S. House Committee on Intelligence tasked with looking into surveillance abuses, exposes a criminal conspiracy so unthinkable that those who have read the memo have stated that it will shake the core of our nation.

Please watch and share this short video report.

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The only way we will ever have transparency is to allow everyone involved a ppace to say "this was my hob, this is what i took part in". Because otherwise departments are compartmentalized to the point where nobody knows what anybody else is doing

I've not read where the abuse directly involves former Prez. Obama, but all of those who read the memo have reportedly been shocked. One representative even went so far as to say he almost wishes he had not read the memo because it completely changes his trust of our democratic process. Hmmm.

I myself am waiting to know more, but the process will take nearly 20 working days. Meanwhile, I am thankful to Rep Nunes

Thanks sir for the news
carry on dear
resteemit .........done

Please Upvote back thinks for the news :)

visit my account @heriani

#Release the Memo (202)224-3121