In today's Steemit Kung Fu lesson you will be learning Tán Tuǐ Road 1. With this being the 8th lesson I hope you have been practicing lessons 1-7.
Here is the information from Wiki so you get some history behind Tan Tui #kungfu.
Little is known of Tán Tuǐ as a complete style, however the routine bearing this name is wildly popular in various Northern styles. The two most common versions are known as 10 and 12 'road' Tán Tuǐ. The word "road" is used to refer to a piece of the form - a group of movements strung together - such that, road one will have its set of movements (perhaps executed once, but often done three times) going in one direction, road two will have its movements going in the opposite direction and, road three going back in the other direction and so on... It continues this way through road 10 or 12. There are other varieties of this form as well, 14, 20, 24, paired or "two-man" Tán Tuǐ, etc.
Styles that have incorporated a version of Tán Tuǐ into their curriculum usually use it as a beginner form or training form, however due to its large number of movements, could be used for intense study for many years, regardless of version.
Here are some videos for you to follow along and learn this 1st road.
Follow along with all these videos, practice and you will be ready for road 2.
I hope you enjoyed today's lesson, be sure to follow along with my lessons to improve your Kung Fu skills.
In case you missed the 1st 7 lessons, here they are:
Lesson #1 Lesson #2 Lesson #3 Lesson #4 Lesson #5 Lesson #6 Lesson #7
A common saying among #Chinese martial artists has evolved: If your Tán Tuǐ is good, your kung fu will be good.

Wow this is really cool. I gotta learn this ☺