Hello and welcome to my colorchallenge submission for Indigo Saturday Steemians, In this article I have 3 pics to share with you I hope you like them!
Steem users who influence me:
@xxneverxx @xanoxt @pmwrightjr @seablue @hub @mod @ubg @krischy @johnnyyash @spiff @steemdev @ellemarieisme @mauricemikkers @blockchained @swelker @ninja @timbo @kentvanho @davidilevy @themassacre @carolyn @ziggy @hastla @rosatravels @balte @mviswana @andrewlevine @champagnecrypto @codybill @masterthematrix @jonathan @platinum @nainaztengra @jerseynash @moisesmcardona @atry @sailingtohappy @brace @bryan @bebeth @dezconocido @kencode @mikeparker @coffee @digitalnews @zoltan @tata @eveuncovered @babarrajo @smurrah @samh @zephyraijunzo @binwah @kingbrianboru @buzzbeergeek @moietharpua @techblogger @thomaskikansha @phelimint @susanli @investingpennies @elear @costanza @thecryptotrader @greenjuice @blueorgy @scottnoe @dmskms @lovehm @etcwave @adsum @eosphere @chunseungho @engineercampus @borepstein @toktok @leeuw @mhrose @prufarchy @bunch @riscadox @zzalinor @tradeqwik @cobalus @confusedlot @musicnews @sevinwilson @dsound @brianphobos @trevor @german @picklejar @theaustrianguy @gkucmierz @suerisue @whaleofcrypto @themagus @gaming @steemboys @changing @occupy @seveaux @trwnbc @napalm @lokiyngling @cryptob
Bad Steemian! Bad!@socorro you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons: